Himmelslaub's 354 BUDDIES:
completely drained. Goodbye spore world
Populating the galaxy one nightmare at a time.
Have a great week
- the beast master
Or maybe not.
I do KSP now. Check me out on reddit :)
Check out the Excalibur story on BTN!
----this way----> [Check-point] *fist pump* "Yes!"
Welcome to The land of the creative and uncreative
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
right now: inactive
computer want let me play any more.
One man on a dead world
Still waiting for a Spore 2...
Wooo! made a new adventure XD
returning-new screen name TangibleThought
Creativity is a form of Madness...
[*Enter spam here*]
Can't find my style
I'm back baby!
Wont be on for a while due to my broken computer
Santa ordered a new computer for me for Christmas!
Going to be back online soon. :D
the exotics of the galaxy
deviantART: FalakTheWolf
Making no sense since 1995...
sporefan und pokemonfan
Have a Coke and a Smile!
Flibbity Flabbity Floo
Back from the dead!
Créer et recréer car la perfection est intouchable
Spored not bored
Don't create for comments. Create for fun
Einzugestehen dass man etwas nicht weiß ist Wissen
Do not drop your toilet...or else
Come back for nostalgia. Discord Sepiks#9442
Dark like a Shadow
Still alive and kicking :)
♥♥♥Danke für Eure Kommentare !!! ;o)♥♥♥
*Approve all comments* g'bye everyone
offline for ever
Lead tenor sax for Kroc Center jazz ensemble
@WaveBomber on Twitter
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
change your tagline
I'm on and off, I don't care!!!!!!!!!!
I deleted spore :( lost CD got mad
-(Jellybutton King)- you have no idea...
It was fun now I'm done
No one likes a stale bagel.
This game is the best.
June 2019 update: still checking
Possiblilty is limited to imagination.
account closed!!
Sic Transit gloria Mundi
Busy -> schoolses and league
we make the terror
Please, let's have peace on Spore in 2012 and on!
Good Bye @ all! I had a great time here! Thanks ^^
Back from the past
Gonna go for a new profile!
No Limits! No Creations!
Remember when?
Need to be intermittent on Spore.....
Sorry that I don't seem to be playing.
Hiding from reality.
The imagination is an endless sea of ideas!
Creations should look good & function in game!
Creating details for creatures of ALIENS sporecast
Answering comments. Will take a wile ;)
High Sandwich Priest
We're all gooey on the inside
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
change your tagline
I'm back, baby.
Thanks for the comments!
Space the final Frontier we will get there one day
Ich Spodes du nichts
building the finest hunks of junk in the galaxy
Rabbits are pure evil!
Eat your enemy
This is a tagline.
Has Been Resurrected
Ships don't build themselves.
good to see some of my old buddies creating!
Uninstall ALL the spores!
Anyone ever considered considering consideration?
change your tagline
My DA- mechformer93.deviantart.com
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
I am back, after another long absence
What if I don't want to change my tagline?
The universe ends here ✖ ゼツボウ 忍者 ✖
Sorry guys, but I think I'm done with spore