9 Gold Trophy Cups -
3 Silver -
3 Bronze
Retard world by skull911
Gold trophy - 4.7 % in 00:22.061 seconds - Sat August 29, 2009
wars of the galaxy by Gamera11
Gold trophy - 8.3 % in 02:50.660 minutes - Sat August 1, 2009
Big Bigger Biggest by fancycam
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:35.246 minutes - Wed July 29, 2009
hunting with the bunny group by greenpetking
Gold trophy - 55.9 % in 16:36.705 minutes - Sat August 1, 2009
Xenoplanet Boerkus-34 by bbuldu
Gold trophy - 18.7 % in 00:31.095 seconds - Fri October 7, 2011
Star Wars Tatooine by perich12
Gold trophy - 14.2 % in 00:59.173 seconds - Wed September 9, 2009
300 by cheesestick42
Gold trophy - 0 % in 00:19.900 seconds - Sat August 1, 2009
Star Wars The Battle of Yavin by darthfabis
Gold trophy - 100 % in 02:05.182 minutes - Wed September 9, 2009
Clone Wars 2 by YellowMonkeys
Gold trophy - 46.1 % in 01:54.100 minutes - Wed September 9, 2009
plum in a pear by galamac
Silver trophy - 66.6 % in 08:57.745 minutes - Mon August 3, 2009
Clark and Stanley mess with time by clatonator1
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:57.550 seconds - Wed July 29, 2009
Xenoplanet Kiro-5 by MarksmanAim
Silver trophy - 100 % in 07:58.571 minutes - Tue October 4, 2011
Clark and Stanley mess with time by clatonator1
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 01:03.588 minutes - Tue September 1, 2009
Gelleva - Oasis in the Sand by Numah
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 12:11.047 minutes - Wed July 29, 2009
turtwigs mistake by paraworldruler99
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:59.837 minutes - Sat August 29, 2009