akilahanahid's 487 BUDDIES:
Thanks for visiting! Mailbox in my sporecast.
There are FOUR lights!
I eat the cake even though its a lie. ☺
- the beast master
My computer died.
Altering reality, one abomination at a time.
Maybe I'll get tired of tentacles... someday...
change your tagline
Dance Like Nobody's Watching
1 dude, 1 computer, 1 goal. Play spore.
You can never stop improving
I am no writer, but I will do my best :)
Abstract Art Connoisseur
taking a break from spore for a while
Welcome to The land of the creative and uncreative
Herpity Derpity.
Reality is underwhelming. Creativity is not.
Dook dook dook!
So many games, so little time.
change your tagline
I'm back...in a way.
YES We are still on Spore and loving it!!!! :)
Dare not meddle within the affairs of we dragons!
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
Comment and rate, i will visit your page!
is now TroubleHelix
Men build things, then we die, it's in our DNA.
save a tree, eat a beaver!
I've gone on Hiatus.
Feedback is great.
Realistic=phooey Personality=yes
Still alive and creating every now and then..
Name: Henning / Gender: male / Country: Germany
The Most Interesting Man in the World.
On temporary hiatus for work.
wow have not been on here in a long time LOL
When your creations turn on you I'll be laughing
I'm back, working on a new adventure!
AST2 is.... NOT COMING D: (computer meltdown)
Have a Coke and a Smile!
Flibbity Flabbity Floo
That could be fun ....
In Alaska now so I will be making ice worlds.
All for love :)
The best (insert noun) you'll ever know.
Back for the creativity boost
One day I'll be famous. Greg Famous.
Feature An Early Creature!
Spewing disfigured freaks since '08
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
I'ts been a loooong time
change your tagline
change your tagline
R+ isnt a comment
Vote in the Athropod challenge in comm.challenges!
Left Spore; I'll come back if it ever gets updated
I'mmmm backkkkk!!! Again.
What doesn't kill you, only makes you stranger...
Underage I ask to refrain from visiting my page
You are welcome to use my props in your adventures
Make Kid Furro the Next Grox or Hugmonster!
Still alive and kicking :)
♥♥♥Danke für Eure Kommentare !!! ;o)♥♥♥
Suggestions welcome.
A comment is returned by comment!
Revenge is a dish best served with cannons.
Goodbye from the Total Trackhed.
Back for a while
Hope you enjoy my creatures!
The cure for the common cold. =D
change your tagline
Manipulating puny humans since 1956
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
two years away from spore...
All creatures are from my imagination. So enjoy!
OMG featured. one more week then il start again
Ratings and Comments are greatly appreciated! :)
I've made it so far without a tagline--why jinx it
my spore wont work >:
ride that monkey
Even though you cant see me im there
Why Conquer worlds when you can simply create them
Inspiration is Everywhere
Now creating as OverActor.
Weird? Me? Naaahh...
No one likes a stale bagel.
I am your worse nightmeare
Massive creativity block... no good creations...
the yetis are coming !!!!!
demon god Kayral has risen
This avatar was made for all of you. ------------>
I'm just a mean green mother, from outer space!
Come and be merry!.... Or Else!
Variety, variety, variety...
Join Us! You know you want to: www.xenoculture.com
is currently playing Spore on and off.
Possiblilty is limited to imagination.
I'm back and ready to start creating again! :D
I am the plague, prepare to die. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Spore still doesn't work for me after reinstall :/
lol featured creation list hasn't changed. ever
"That scratch is making me itch!"
is back in action...I have some relearning to do..
"I like my town with a little drop of poison."
Please, let's have peace on Spore in 2012 and on!
Agigaflugians live here!
An artist's work is never done. :D
im back
Still away from Spore.
Working on TFK part 3!
Apr. 7, just got GA, no idea how to use it >.<
Why does everybody keep un-subbing me >.<
feel free to use any of my creations. Honored.
Creations should look good & function in game!
Currently making the Gundam Epyon, back for 2016!
GOT GA! And so, so, so, dissapointed.
High Sandwich Priest
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
long live monon
I'm back and trying to catch up,TY for the support
I'm back!
To the stars!
Thanks for the comments!
Space the final Frontier we will get there one day
'Art is anything that people do with distinction.'
Feature me now! :P
The Bonez Empire
"Life is Weird."
Ocasionally back to have a laugh
Hello children, I am a ninja.
Move along, nothing to see here
yay got a new pc ZOMFG.
Thanks everyone!! I'm replying as fast as I can!
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
Spore On!
from render to reality
Add a tagline
good to see some of my old buddies creating!
is retired and just taking it one day at a time.
Uninstall ALL the spores!
I still check up on you guys! :P
Use my creations in GA
Back from the Dead
Feel free to use/change/alter anything I've made.
Vegetatious Creations: Fine Creations Since 2008
Welcome to the Sporenaissance!
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
I'm getting the hang of this!
Where did he go?
I Take Cheese and Make it More Magic :D
Creator of things, explorer of strange new worlds.
Creating deformed mutants since 2008.
I'm just this guy, you know?
Cogito ergo Spore.
"what is this concept of limits?"(Matt from C.T.E)