jase82's 109 BUDDIES:
the Québec is too good for maxis
When you push the envelope - beware of paper cuts
I really wish I could afford the expansion pack...
I'm back, let's see if I can still create
Buddy-List me to add cool, simple creatures =)
I try to be unique.
DNA! Soup of Creation
I kick
Creatrix of Incredible Creatures!
use anything you'd like in any adventure
Howdoodles :)
Make sure you check out my Sporecasts!
I have wanted a game like this since I was 6
With our phony British accents, Oho ho ho!
Taking fusion requests. <3 EdgeofReality
Creativity with a dash of the ethereal!
:+: standing here in my field of dreams :+:
Function > form, quality > quantity. Nothing clips
Altaholicus Infinitus Maximus
Since 1993
Use whatever you want
give him a huge hug------------>
Traps. It is, in fact, a trap.
jaffatamarin's PBL profile
In a tongue twist lie.
Above all else: sky.
Creator of the Playable Buddylist Project
MechaGodzilla's TPBL page
-(Jellybutton King)- you have no idea...
Talent works, genius creates
Life is short, Have some fun.
Ralfiolio humpfrood en ralfiolio!
Architect supremo
Have fun
a bit out of practice
Engineering the Genome..
IWHBYD but a dog beat me over the fence.....
Beauty in simplicity.
Devourer Of Worlds
Now known to all as zombieontherise!
Creating abominations of God since June, 2008
Playing Darwin in my spare time
Answering comments. Will take a wile ;)
Engineering the future - currently retired
I only upload the best ;p .
Evolving something every once in a while.
No longer play Spore. Working hard now.
Welcome to the jungle! We've got fun and games!
Being ordinary is boring.