cathienrampage09's 408 BUDDIES:
I'll be out of commission for awhile again
Always look on the bright side of life!!!
the Québec is too good for maxis
Downrating doesn't increase your creator skills :)
Away for a bit, but I'll be back! :)
Please read my latest creation!
Thanks for visiting! Mailbox in my sporecast.
I'll be back after 9th February!
No se me ocurre ninguna firma....¿Alguna idea?
Yes! SPORE is finally here!
I can hear voices..oh wait, it's just the tv
Every Girl Should Have a Unicorn
A relic from a glorious time.
add me =) "spore 4 the win"
change your tagline
*Benster, The One And Only.*
The only limit is imagination...
The Sand Pudding is away from Spore
Need More DNA!
And i saw that it was good...
Every time someone subs to me a cute thing dies!
Beam me up, Scotty....!!!!
waka waka
The only constant is change
you are welcome to use my stuff in your missions
Welding with Dynamite!
change your tagline
It's not complicated. I am a God.
Please see my other profile, CelenaReborn.
H-K-D Anger is a gift
I swear to God, this game hates me...
On a break from Spore.
Busy with college I'll try to keep creating
Done with this game. Was fun while it lasted o/
Now has Darkspore
tagline? i don't need no steenkin' tagline!
Prehistory in the making!
Kinda hot in these rhinooos. -Ace Ventura
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
Be fruitful and multiply... Your Spore!
Visit http://darwinapolis.skyrock.com/
Evolving from native to alien
Resserecting the Past...One Dinosaur at a Time.
I will try to do better!!
If you copy/modify please remember to give credit
Don't Mess With the DinoHunter!!
Guys From The Future Always Lie
Illars demand a sacrifice.
My imagination has no limits
If you're looking for normal, go away
remember when
Umm...Whats up my peeps?
Spore is sooo cool
Life is the universe experiencing itself
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
Permanent hiatus, for now.
change your tagline
dA: RedParagonG
Make Alien adventures with my creations!
New account: BunkerChunk. fishboy102 has ended!
Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Have a Coke and a Smile!
My Creativity
Back and ready to make more weirdness.
Check out my instagram @ Livamoah
its never to late
Cats do not bounce on Trampolines
Designing creatures since the dawn of time
Be patient, I'm learning.
Pure Imagination.
3DS FC: 2750-1585-2234
This is how god most feel.
Totally Underrated" "Thanks to whoever comments
Please, create some creatures for my sporecasts!!!
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
Downloading as much as I can before the end.
I'm on temporary hiatus.
Sorry, I have left.
Spored not bored
Feature An Early Creature!
"Nothing to fear but fear itself"-FDR
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
I'm the man with the template plan
The creator's handiwork is proved in the stitching
Orgin of the Battle Tree Frogs
Paine is awesome and she will hurt you
Imagination's the one weapon in the war vs reality
Deutsche FDS! Btw I speak English =P
Location: www.gtsplus.net
please leave comments thanks! :)
Vote in the Athropod challenge in comm.challenges!
Lol, EA/Maxis updating spore? LOLNOPE :C
Getting Bored of Spore
change your tagline
pentultimate being
The Prehistoric World
I'm back! Take a look at my sporecasts!
There can be only one.
How about a new bloody expansion?
Superman's freeloading older brother
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
im gone
More active account: DancingCritters!
YOSHchange your tagline
Stupid internet. D:
currently playing darkspore
♥♥♥Danke für Eure Kommentare !!! ;o)♥♥♥
It's been so long...
Krusedullfaen is gone again...
Quizical Creations
change your tagline
Plant and Marine editors would be nice.
Learn from experience.
Too busy playing Zelda, BRB in a few years
@WaveBomber on Twitter
I'm cool like that.
Update your tagline today!
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
A complete fool
Ex-creator. Never featured.
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Ratings and Comments are greatly appreciated! :)
Quality over Quantity
Knight of the Wind
It was fun now I'm done
"Men are not peace makers, they are conquers!"
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
My thumb only goes up!
Why do feet smell and noses run?
Ralfiolio humpfrood en ralfiolio!
Give page back, remove Add --->
You're not the big fish in the pond anymore, mate.
done with spore, feel free to use my creatures
The Overlord... Nuff Said.
7he ODdeST_1
hi guys im here to ruin everything
Disapointed Darkspore is not part of Spore
tastes just like chicken
a bit out of practice
Join Us! You know you want to: www.xenoculture.com
new account: Bamfasaurus :)
is currently playing Spore on and off.
Det piggar upp!
A Pirate's Spore for me.
The Grox, are champions!!
if your good at creating i might just rewad you.
ayugs are my specialty comment on all!!!!!
Tagline? What tagline?
Spore still doesn't work for me after reinstall :/
Hey team-- Am on hiatus. Exams. o.o
Fear me! I have returned
The art of a people is a true mirror to their mind
Rabbage! You found me!
Join the dark side... and get a free cookie.
I stop to share for the Down Raters
Good Bye @ all! I had a great time here! Thanks ^^
Quality over Quantity
It's a strange world out there. Get used to it.
Can't log in Spore anymore, only on web. Sad times
Playing for fun!
An artist's work is never done. :D
Currently doing a research essay on Spore!
I Dunno...
Hello, agian.
Still away from Spore.
Creations should look good & function in game!
is Probably doing something chaotic with Team RWBY
More Spore over at shadowraptor101.tumblr.com!
High Sandwich Priest
Banned in the USA
Picture made by me in Paint :)
You can never beat the metal
If you're subbed to me,I go by Alteran-Dude now.
Intelligent design? o_O
Sorry I haven't been on lately, but im a bit busy.
Evolving something every once in a while.
Looking for Feedback!
I made a new account so please don't comment here
Made in Awesome
A fun filled lolipop triple dipped is psycho
Call me when Spore gets patched..
MLP:FiM,Fantasy, PewdiePie, & Lady Gaga
more back then before!
"Life is Weird."
Spore isn't a game, but a new form of Creativety
Creator of Weird Creatures Since 2008...
Enjoy nature with a little weirdness added to it.
Making what I make best.
Recently returned after a 4 yr break. (Whew).
Work hard, play harder.
Busy with real life, not sure when I'll be back
Crazy is crazy, and I am insane
If you enjoy my creations please rate :)
the wisest men follow their own direction
Playing soccer,airsoft,and xbox one. May come back
just updated the trapdoor sporecast
A dinosaur for every occasion
Gaming since 1992
Random and cool...Sometimes...
I still check up on you guys! :P
Howdy hOWDY howdee!
Right now I'm focusing on fragging this game.
Away, dear Molly
My DA- mechformer93.deviantart.com
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
Wii are awesome!!!
Overlord of the Spindelcore-Galaxy
Hello old friends
Landing soon on a planet near you.
it just pops out of my head!
Thank You Maxis!
Hoping to have more time to Spore soon
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