tag your changeline
Enjoying Spore.
SilverOakson on Deviantart
Dead and forgotten
Please rate my Creations and give comment
Deaviant Art: sarahboebarah
counting down till Star Citizen comes out
2-21-2018 I am dreadfully sorry. .
Have a great week
Exploring that space outside my room
Goodbye guys.
< insert witty tagline here >
This is supposed to be the dark side of Ansje
- the beast master
i'm back guys, and try out my new adventure!
its 2022 and i am jaded
Or maybe not.
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine
change your tagline
People are still playing this game?
New spore profile : Rikyudoo
Down and out for the count
Check out the Excalibur story on BTN!
Labor 08 grüßt
Dance Like Nobody's Watching
Can someone give Grendel a hand?....
This Icedmask, if anyone got confused x)
Every time someone subs to me a cute thing dies!
You can never stop improving
No Internet! Sorry guys :(
Working on various projects, allways around though
Check out my POD Contest !!!
hoping for a feature....
Check it Out : http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts
----this way----> [Check-point] *fist pump* "Yes!"
With the shield or over the shield...
*Time slipping on galactic medieval era Now*
Fires!! i breathes it.
Ugh, Sorry about being offline. Portfolio work. Dx
techincal spore trouble... will fix soon.
It's been nice, Spore. Maybe in another life.
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
computer want let me play any more.
creating for fun :)
You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
I have DA: http://myrmoorzai.deviantart.com/
change your tagline
DA: Pyroraptor42 Tumblr: ElEspermatozoideMesozoico
One man on a dead world
Bruno Mars = Embodiment of talent & music. ♥
Check out my Youtube Profile: CrainyCreation
Hey.............. he has a hat!
Arguing With myself and losing!
Ex-Webmaster of Sporemania.com
change your tagline
is Absolute
deleted spore... got boring
I need to record more Spore...
The soul will fly, ascending to the sky
returning-new screen name TangibleThought
Creativity is a form of Madness...
Heroics all the same.
Did you forget about me!?
Not very active ATM, but checking in occassionaly
In cyberspace, no-one can hear you scream.
Can't run Spore. Probably out for good :/
I will try to do better!!
Novus Ordo Seclorum!
I'm back baby!
Ich bin COOL
Win 10 and Spore do not quite match...
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
Wont be on for a while due to my broken computer
Dirtymeat A~Go~Go
Santa ordered a new computer for me for Christmas!
All about the spaceships
following trend of leaving if u still play,enjoy:)
I miss my insanity...
Reinstalling this game... why? Cuz. :L
Step into my jungle and find out who hunts who.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
Dragonpenguin123 on DeviantART
All the Realms and Worlds...
DeviantART: SessaV
Left handed turn coming up....
the old king is dead, long live the king!
Wow its been so long...
Try the egg arena out.
Back at Spore. One last adventure?
Upraters rule 'hint hint':D
I click ergo I am!
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
BE BACK SOON, I PROMISE!(busy fixing computer)
still around :)
Expand my universe!
Have a Coke and a Smile!
Well, crap on a stick.
Taking a break
Spore 2 needs to be made. Spore is dead.
Check out my instagram @ Livamoah
Waiting for Spore 2...
Who watches Billy The Exterminator?
In Russia with love! https://spore-cr.ucoz.com
Skeletons in my mind commence tearing at my sanity
I NEVER DOWNRATE check my sporecasts out ty:)
Back from the dead!
I will not change my tagline.
Ambrosia is Marshmallow Fluff
Back for the creativity boost
perhaps a bit distracted by ME2. will be back!
You don't want to know what goes through my mind.
Is back on Spore making new and improve creations!
If we're not on Dksp then we're on Spore
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
"October's were bigger"
Two trouble makers with nothing to do.....
monkeying around with dna
boy howdy why is spore still alive
Spode's in his heaven. All's right with the galaxy
It's heartening to see the admins active again
Old spore <3
the cyborg creator
Art is the medicine for the pain of life.
Busy wit not spore lol
Married with Seven Toads
If you don't like me then please leave me alone
Playing another game...
I still play this occasionally...
Saver of Humens
Getting Bored of Spore
Retired from Spore. Feel free to use my stuff!
Underage I ask to refrain from visiting my page
You are welcome to use my props in your adventures
Live every week like it's shark week!
Dreaming is better than live in lies
internet access dying... feeling... woozy
Find me on Deviantart.com // Kanonu
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
Hello and welcome
Play my GA series: Chronicle of the Wjenta System
Emporium of platypus creatures
*Approve all comments* g'bye everyone
Minerva Shipyards Incorporated
09-20-17 woah nostalgia trip, drop a comment
Hello, again, Spore!
change your tagline
rejection is like thorns it makes you bleed inside
You're gonna have a bad time
Grandmaster of delusion and confusion! ..or not?
Look into the eyes of the mystical doughnuts!
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
Hidden in my own world,don't know if I'll come out
umop ǝpıs dn
taking a break :)
Let's build up something~! ♥
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Lets go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes!
Tired of being a lab rat? Become a mutant!!!
hangtight97, I'm never on spore so just sub!
The randomness is strong with this one.
It was fun now I'm done
changed the tagline
We strike with the lightning.
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
I could cover her in K-Y and thin steaks
"The truth is often stupid." -- Bender
I've returned.
This is Neonova59's current tagline
"In the end, everything is a gag." Charlie Chaplin
There's always money in the banana stand
No one likes a stale bagel.
Aliens rule!!!
There are some things people never forget.
Thanks and goodbye to all my buddies.
See you in Spore 2, lol
Keep your password's hard to guess!
Spore= Intelligent design
Preaper To Drop!
Find me at OMMworld dot com
Deviantart: http://kieraux.deviantart.com
Who am I kidding -_-
Gone for good. Everyone here needs to grow up.
Variety, variety, variety...
philosophies enable them to rule without regard
a bit out of practice
Plausible creations for game use.
the end. maybe.
Sic Transit gloria Mundi
Sorry, not much time to Spore atm!!!
I'm in this for the long run guys...
"That scratch is making me itch!"
Hey team-- Am on hiatus. Exams. o.o
The art of a people is a true mirror to their mind
Around sparingly
May have enough $ for a new computer soon...
Please, let's have peace on Spore in 2012 and on!
Back from the past
I'll comment back to everyone ASAP!
Hosting the SPOSCARS in the adventure section!
Welcome to Bmpalmann's experimental account
I don't have the words.
not as active as I used to be -_-
I can resist anything except temptation
Remember when?
But why is the rum gone!?
Use my stuff. Please. I'm gone.
Can't log on for some reason...
I WILL return all my comments, sorry if I haven't!
Hiding from reality.
Hello everybody :D
The imagination is an endless sea of ideas!
Rare sci-fi, retro, realism and the unreal.
Answering comments. Will take a wile ;)
An Epic Of Epic Epicness.
Evolution, mutations, creations we are all ANIMALS
playing God
We're all gooey on the inside
May com back sometime soon...
Skirch: Bringing peace at 20,000 rpm
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
thanks to my new fans busy w/ school at moment
not gonna come back.. probably
i`m going to create something:)
Brothers Playin' Spore
Deviant Art (DiviousCreator9000) please watch me!
open wound to be mended soon.
Space the final Frontier we will get there one day
el buito es varía y porque tiene mucho queso
building the finest hunks of junk in the galaxy
Why do you bite the hand that feeds you?
Comment me on my other screenname, MaxTheCrook
Cronicles of Redemption Series: Check it out!!!
Seven is the hardest number to count to.
Hello spore!!
Feature me now! :P
Pucker up, buttercup.
PLEASE SUB: The-Cold-Lord, New Alt. THX.
I can't connect to spore:(.
Wanna dance?
computer's bein a sob, new series out asap
Looking for a friend. You're invited.
I'm back:)
Thanks everyone!! I'm replying as fast as I can!
Spaced out.
If anyone is still following me, Hi!
Spore On!
Nothing Lasts Forever
good to see some of my old buddies creating!
Moved to Twarda8; got another SPORE (@Twarda8)
I may return soon... Bwahahaha
Retired. Disect, repaint, reuse, all good.
Uninstall ALL the spores!
Still Working!
I'll be on when I can.
Thanks for all the comments :]
Back from the Dead
Hail from planet Hearth!
Welcome to the Sporenaissance!
You guys can use my stuff in your adventures =)
New Account NeoVultrio
my world is small again...
*Spinning in circles*
My ride to the spore universe
Hey there ;)
10 Years of Quackenstein
Where did he go?
Perhaps... One day...
Hugs All Round. Spaghetti.
I have returned. Will be on more frequently.
I'm so bad lol
Virtually dead account.
Your local reef specialist!
Unbound and Unleashed, Underground By Design
Bitter and ornery
Insert random expletive here
Cant create, but still alive and well.