JelloJolteon2000's 61 BUDDIES:
Have a great week
Cuteness is forever!
Sondering and pondering.
Creative to the core!
Thank you for your comments. Mailbox in sporecast.
Check out my four realistic creations sporecasts!
Good Bye Spore!
Just a really really really bored person.
Making awesome stuff with out any expansion packs!
random lati's
Arguing With myself and losing!
I'm making a book for details just ask
My avatar is Tooboc. Thanks for making it, Jello!
Finally back~
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
Spore is my universe
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
Some things creepy, some things Pokemon.
Dancing is FORBIDDEN
Learning how to create awesome spaceships
I'm taking a break from SPORE
Work to be done... Done be to work.... Huh?
First exams, now summer school. No time to play :(
Reptiles and Amphibians are the best!!!!!!!!
Bringing you the problems of tomorrow...today!
Pity all Fools, AND Envy all Idiots :)
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
obie trice all the wayy
change your tagline
I stop to share for the Down Raters
Banned in the USA
Sorry I haven't been on lately, but im a bit busy.
The Deep Fire burns ever on!
Gone again. Im here and out.
MLP:FiM,Fantasy, PewdiePie, & Lady Gaga
I am Thobewill
my Spore is broken. I can has no play no mores :(
Recently returned after a 4 yr break. (Whew).
Wii are awesome!!!
I'm still alive -2018
I don't aim to be first. I aim for being creative.