Bellimar's 116 BUDDIES:
My computer doesn't even read disks. |D
Deaviant Art: sarahboebarah
The creative
- the beast master
I am french girl
Big project in the works, still writing it out tho
this game dead son!!!!
Is depressed for this dead game...
arkansas life
SPORE inactivity- My life is too full-on.
le epic bazinga
Moved to LunarIncarnation
i can't believe this game still exists
I'm getting rather bored with SPORE (RHYMING FTW)
Love Knows No Boundaries
I have left...but I will be back...one day....
Oh my god, I remembered my email...
i dont have alot of spores bc my data got erased!!
On Skype and Minecraft, not spore.
Im on(99azirel watch out)
Forget Disney, Spore is were dreams come true!
Contest For Points No.4 underway!
I don't really come by much anymore.
Noodles is here!
Creeping in and out of Spore.
Hi! I love animals,rocks, video games and insects!
3DS FC: 2750-1585-2234
I'm back but I don't know if anyone else is on
Its contest time, comment for details
Evolution takes no prisioners
Anime and vocaloid fangirl. ^-^
Maybe one day I'll create again
kind of back???? sort of????
Find me on Deviantart.com // Kanonu
Libre un jours ,libre toujours
I took a break from Spore...I'm back for now!
are you a red light because stop.
EXTREMELY BUSY! But will get on occasionally.
ching chong
Lord by your side. EAW & Sporenaissance!
new account: MEGAVKNG2812 :l
@WaveBomber on Twitter
Don't Worry EXCALlBUR ;) I'll come back soon!
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
......... ._____.
I'm awesome.
i am now know as Trollslayer1996
im scottish.
I've moved! My new username is 'Avalaxy11'!
I'M BACK, still check'in comments ;)
Gone. Offline forever.
dino nugget
account closed!!
I like Tepigs and semi-aquatic animals.
we make the terror
Spot Says Hi.
I love The Smiler<3
. . .and you were Born This Way, baby!
Both my accounts are closed.
is Probably doing something chaotic with Team RWBY
Formerly known as Shadow99
Not as active
hi i wish i could change my username lol
"may the creatures be with you"=)
Sorry i coudn't play but it won't let me.
A fun filled lolipop triple dipped is psycho
Excuse me while I upload 3 years of unseen content
Disturbingly flimsy
If anyone is still following me, Hi!
Trying to reboot Idiotquest into a comic series.
Account no longer in use
everybody quit this place
Nothing is true, everything is permitted
change your tagline
I'm still alive -2018
Join my Draconomicon sporecast! Dragons!
Taking a Break! :) ☺☺☺☺☺