All Achievements
Spore Achievements
Adventure Achievements
JelloJolteon2000's Achievements
Front Page News
Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on
Wed July 1, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Fri June 26, 2009
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Tue June 23, 2009
Social Engineer
Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 creations or more
Mon April 6, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat April 4, 2009
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Sat April 4, 2009
Ghetto Blaster
Create 10 Anthems
Sat April 4, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sat April 4, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Sat April 4, 2009
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Sat April 4, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Shaman Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Shaman
Sat April 4, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Sat April 4, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Sat April 4, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sat April 4, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sat April 4, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Sat April 4, 2009
Identity Crisis
Forge an alliance between two space-faring races of your own creation
Sat April 4, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat April 4, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat April 4, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Sat April 4, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage without legs
Sat April 4, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Palm Greaser
Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Sat April 4, 2009
Manifest Destiny
Find Earth
Sat April 4, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Sat April 4, 2009
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Sat April 4, 2009
Steel Tribe
Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sat April 4, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Sat April 4, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Fear of Flying
Finish the Civilization stage without ever buying an aircraft
Sat April 4, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Adamantium Civilization
Complete Civilization stage on Hard setting
Sat April 4, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Sat April 4, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Sat April 4, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sat April 4, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Sat April 4, 2009
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Sat April 4, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Sat April 4, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 economic cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Oh the Humanity!
Destroy Earth
Sat April 4, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Sat April 4, 2009
Meet 200 creatures made by other players
Sat April 4, 2009
Capture 15 Star Systems
Sat April 4, 2009
Can't Win For Losing
Die at least once in every stage of Spore
Sat April 4, 2009
Ecologist Passion
Play as an Ecologist
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sat April 4, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Sat April 4, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Sat April 4, 2009
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Find the center of the galaxy
Sat April 4, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sat April 4, 2009
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Sat April 4, 2009
Buddy's Achievements
Now Showing:
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sun October 5, 2008
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sun October 5, 2008
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sun October 5, 2008
Have 10 other creators edit one of your Adventures.
Mon October 21, 2013
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Tue October 19, 2010
Empire Builder
Maximize colonies on 10 planets
Tue October 19, 2010
Trader Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Trader
Fri October 15, 2010
Create 10 Adventures.
Sun March 14, 2010
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Sun February 28, 2010
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Mon February 15, 2010
Manifest Destiny
Find Earth
Sun January 31, 2010
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Sun January 31, 2010
Find the center of the galaxy
Sun January 31, 2010
Capture 15 Star Systems
Sun January 31, 2010
Download 500 Adventures.
Sat January 30, 2010
Knight Passion
Play as a Knight
Wed January 27, 2010
Identity Crisis
Forge an alliance between two space-faring races of your own creation
Tue January 26, 2010
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Tue January 26, 2010
Ecologist Passion
Play as an Ecologist
Sun January 24, 2010
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Sun January 24, 2010
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Fri January 22, 2010
Social Engineer
Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 creations or more
Tue April 7, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Sun April 5, 2009
Fear of Flying
Finish the Civilization stage without ever buying an aircraft
Sun April 5, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Sat April 4, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sat April 4, 2009
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Sat April 4, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Sat April 4, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sat April 4, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sat April 4, 2009
Scientist Passion
Play as a Scientist
Sat April 4, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Sat April 4, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat April 4, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat April 4, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Sat April 4, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage without legs
Sat April 4, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Sat April 4, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Sat April 4, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Sat April 4, 2009
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sat April 4, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Sat April 4, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes
Sat April 4, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sat April 4, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat April 4, 2009
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Sat April 4, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Sat April 4, 2009
Pathological Cheater
Use a cheat more than 50 times
Sat April 4, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage 10 times
Sat April 4, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Sat April 4, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Sat April 4, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sat April 4, 2009
Complete the Civilization stage 10 times
Sat April 4, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Sat April 4, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Sat April 4, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 economic cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Zealot Passion
Play as a Zealot
Sat April 4, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sat April 4, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Sat April 4, 2009
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Fri April 3, 2009
Front Page News
Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on
Fri January 16, 2009
Adamantium Civilization
Complete Civilization stage on Hard setting
Mon April 9, 2012
Steel Tribe
Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting
Thu March 29, 2012
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Tue March 27, 2012
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sat November 12, 2011
Wise Shaman
Unlock all four Shaman parts on a Captain.
Thu November 10, 2011
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Mon May 10, 2010
Ecologist Passion
Play as an Ecologist
Mon March 29, 2010
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Mon March 29, 2010
Successfully complete 200 Adventures made by other Creators.
Wed February 24, 2010
Mad Skills
Earn top ranks on 50 Leaderboards.
Sat February 6, 2010
Social Engineer
Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 creations or more
Fri January 29, 2010
Knight Passion
Play as a Knight
Tue November 10, 2009
Joyful Bard
Unlock all four Bard parts on a Captain.
Fri October 30, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Fri October 30, 2009
Geared Up
Outfit 50 Creatures with Adventure parts.
Sat October 17, 2009
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Sat October 17, 2009
Create 50 Adventures using Planets you terraformed.
Mon October 12, 2009
Create 100 Adventures.
Tue October 6, 2009
Download 500 Adventures.
Thu October 1, 2009
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Wed September 30, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Wed September 30, 2009
Publish 50 Adventures.
Mon September 21, 2009
Create 50 Adventures.
Sat September 19, 2009
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Fri September 4, 2009
Place 200 Non-Accessorized Creatures into your Adventures.
Sat August 29, 2009
Create 10 Adventures.
Sat August 29, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Fri August 28, 2009
Bard Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Bard
Fri March 27, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Mon March 23, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Mon March 23, 2009
Palm Greaser
Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage
Fri February 27, 2009
Capture 15 Star Systems
Thu February 26, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Wed February 11, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Wed February 11, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Wed February 11, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Wed February 11, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Wed February 11, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Wed February 11, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Wed February 11, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Wed February 11, 2009
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Wed February 11, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Wed February 11, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Diplomatic Passion
Play as a Diplomat
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Tue February 10, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Tue February 10, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Tue February 10, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Tue February 10, 2009
Identity Crisis
Forge an alliance between two space-faring races of your own creation
Tue February 10, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Tue February 10, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Tue February 10, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Tue February 10, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Super Pilot
Spend at least 40 hours piloting your spaceship
Tue February 10, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Tue February 10, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Tue February 10, 2009
Bard Passion
Play as a Bard
Tue February 10, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Tue February 10, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Tue February 10, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Tue February 10, 2009
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Tue February 10, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Sat November 20, 2010
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Fri April 3, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Fri April 3, 2009
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Fri April 3, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Fri April 3, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Fri April 3, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Fri April 3, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Fri April 3, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Fri April 3, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Fri April 3, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Fri April 3, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Fri April 3, 2009
Scientist Passion
Play as a Scientist
Fri April 3, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Fri April 3, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Fri April 3, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Fri April 3, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Fri April 3, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Fri April 3, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Fri April 3, 2009
Steel Tribe
Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting
Fri April 3, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Fri April 3, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Fri April 3, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Fri April 3, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Fri April 3, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Fri April 3, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Fri April 3, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Fri April 3, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Fri April 3, 2009
Can't Win For Losing
Die at least once in every stage of Spore
Fri April 3, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Fri April 3, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Fri April 3, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Fri April 3, 2009
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Fri April 3, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Fri April 3, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Sat February 28, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Sat February 28, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Sat February 14, 2009
Scientist Passion
Play as a Scientist
Wed February 11, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Wed February 11, 2009
Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes
Sun February 1, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sun February 1, 2009
Ecologist Passion
Play as an Ecologist
Sun January 25, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Sun January 25, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sun January 25, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sat January 24, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Thu January 22, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Tue January 20, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Mon January 19, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Mon January 19, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Mon January 19, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sun January 18, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Sun January 18, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sat January 17, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Fri January 16, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Fri January 16, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Fri January 16, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Thu January 15, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Sun January 11, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sat December 13, 2008
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sat December 13, 2008
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sat December 13, 2008
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Fri August 21, 2009
Place 200 Non-Accessorized Creatures into your Adventures.
Fri August 21, 2009
Download 500 Adventures.
Sun August 16, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Sun April 5, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Sat April 4, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Sat April 4, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sat April 4, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sat April 4, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Sat April 4, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat April 4, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat April 4, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Sat April 4, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Sat April 4, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sat April 4, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Pathological Cheater
Use a cheat more than 50 times
Sat April 4, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Sat April 4, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sat April 4, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Sat April 4, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Sat April 4, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Sat April 4, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sat April 4, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Sat April 4, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Sat April 4, 2009
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Sat April 4, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sat April 4, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sat April 4, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sat April 4, 2009
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Sat April 4, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Sat April 4, 2009
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Sat August 15, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Sat August 15, 2009
My First Captain
Raise a Captain to Rank 10.
Sun July 5, 2009
Successfully complete 200 Adventures made by other Creators.
Sat July 4, 2009
Download 500 Adventures.
Wed July 1, 2009
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Sun June 28, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Sun June 28, 2009
Place 200 Non-Accessorized Creatures into your Adventures.
Sat June 27, 2009
Finish Creature stage without legs
Thu May 28, 2009
Complete the Civilization stage 10 times
Sat April 4, 2009
Can't Win For Losing
Die at least once in every stage of Spore
Mon March 16, 2009
Scientist Passion
Play as a Scientist
Wed March 4, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Wed March 4, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Wed March 4, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Wed March 4, 2009
Steel Tribe
Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting
Sun March 1, 2009
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Sun March 1, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sun March 1, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage 10 times
Wed February 25, 2009
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Thu February 12, 2009
Social Engineer
Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 creations or more
Wed February 11, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Wed February 11, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Wed February 11, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Wed February 11, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Wed February 11, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Wed February 11, 2009
Meet 200 creatures made by other players
Wed February 11, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Wed February 11, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Wed February 11, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Wed February 11, 2009
Pathological Cheater
Use a cheat more than 50 times
Wed February 11, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Wed February 11, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Wed February 11, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Wed February 11, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Wed February 11, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Wed February 11, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Wed February 11, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Wed February 11, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Wed February 11, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Wed February 11, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Wed February 11, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Wed February 11, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Wed February 11, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Wed February 11, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Wed February 11, 2009
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Wed February 11, 2009
Front Page News
Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on
Mon February 2, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Fri January 30, 2009
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Fri January 30, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Fri January 30, 2009
Ghetto Blaster
Create 10 Anthems
Fri January 30, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Fri January 30, 2009
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Fri January 30, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Fri January 30, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Shaman Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Shaman
Fri January 30, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Fri January 30, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Fri January 30, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Fri January 30, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Fri January 30, 2009
Warrior Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Warrior
Fri January 30, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Cell Addict
Finish the Cell stage 25 times
Fri January 30, 2009
Trader Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Trader
Fri January 30, 2009
Scientist Passion
Play as a Scientist
Fri January 30, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Fri January 30, 2009
Identity Crisis
Forge an alliance between two space-faring races of your own creation
Fri January 30, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Fri January 30, 2009
Ecologist Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as an Ecologist
Fri January 30, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Fri January 30, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Fri January 30, 2009
Diplomatic Passion
Play as a Diplomat
Fri January 30, 2009
Knight Passion
Play as a Knight
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Fri January 30, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish Creature stage without legs
Fri January 30, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Fri January 30, 2009
Palm Greaser
Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Fri January 30, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Fri January 30, 2009
Manifest Destiny
Find Earth
Fri January 30, 2009
Bard Passion
Play as a Bard
Fri January 30, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Fri January 30, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Fri January 30, 2009
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Fri January 30, 2009
Steel Tribe
Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Fri January 30, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Fri January 30, 2009
Alter Ego
Play the Space stage as all 10 archetypes
Fri January 30, 2009
Fear of Flying
Finish the Civilization stage without ever buying an aircraft
Fri January 30, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage 10 times
Fri January 30, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Fri January 30, 2009
Adamantium Civilization
Complete Civilization stage on Hard setting
Fri January 30, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Fri January 30, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Fri January 30, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Fri January 30, 2009
Complete the Civilization stage 10 times
Fri January 30, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Fri January 30, 2009
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Fri January 30, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Fri January 30, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 economic cities
Fri January 30, 2009
Oh the Humanity!
Destroy Earth
Fri January 30, 2009
Zealot Passion
Play as a Zealot
Fri January 30, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Fri January 30, 2009
Meet 200 creatures made by other players
Fri January 30, 2009
Capture 15 Star Systems
Fri January 30, 2009
Can't Win For Losing
Die at least once in every stage of Spore
Fri January 30, 2009
Ecologist Passion
Play as an Ecologist
Fri January 30, 2009
Diplomatic Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Diplomat
Fri January 30, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Fri January 30, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Fri January 30, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Fri January 30, 2009
Wanderer Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Wanderer
Fri January 30, 2009
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Fri January 30, 2009
Find the center of the galaxy
Fri January 30, 2009
Empire Builder
Maximize colonies on 10 planets
Fri January 30, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Fri January 30, 2009
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Fri January 30, 2009
Front Page News
Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on
Tue October 27, 2009
Pathological Cheater
Use a cheat more than 50 times
Fri October 23, 2009
Mad Skills
Earn top ranks on 50 Leaderboards.
Tue October 6, 2009
Publish 50 Adventures.
Tue September 29, 2009
My First Captain
Raise a Captain to Rank 10.
Wed August 12, 2009
Geared Up
Outfit 50 Creatures with Adventure parts.
Fri July 24, 2009
Create 10 Adventures.
Fri July 24, 2009
Social Engineer
Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 creations or more
Wed July 15, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Wed July 15, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Wed July 15, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Wed July 15, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Wed July 15, 2009
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Wed July 15, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Wed July 15, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Wed July 15, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Shaman Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Shaman
Wed July 15, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Wed July 15, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Wed July 15, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Wed July 15, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Wed July 15, 2009
Warrior Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Warrior
Wed July 15, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Wed July 15, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Wed July 15, 2009
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Wed July 15, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Wed July 15, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Wed July 15, 2009
Diplomatic Passion
Play as a Diplomat
Wed July 15, 2009
Knight Passion
Play as a Knight
Wed July 15, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Wed July 15, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Wed July 15, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Wed July 15, 2009
Palm Greaser
Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Wed July 15, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Wed July 15, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Wed July 15, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Wed July 15, 2009
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Wed July 15, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Wed July 15, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Fear of Flying
Finish the Civilization stage without ever buying an aircraft
Wed July 15, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Wed July 15, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Wed July 15, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Wed July 15, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Wed July 15, 2009
Complete the Civilization stage 10 times
Wed July 15, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Wed July 15, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Wed July 15, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Wed July 15, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Wed July 15, 2009
Download 500 Adventures.
Wed July 15, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Wed July 15, 2009
Meet 200 creatures made by other players
Wed July 15, 2009
Capture 15 Star Systems
Wed July 15, 2009
Can't Win For Losing
Die at least once in every stage of Spore
Wed July 15, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Wed July 15, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Wed July 15, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Wed July 15, 2009
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Wed July 15, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Wed July 15, 2009
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Wed July 15, 2009
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Tue July 14, 2009
Cell Addict
Finish the Cell stage 25 times
Tue July 24, 2012
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Sun July 22, 2012
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Thu August 4, 2011
Knight Passion
Play as a Knight
Wed August 3, 2011
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Sat July 23, 2011
Trader Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Trader
Thu July 29, 2010
Meet 200 creatures made by other players
Fri July 23, 2010
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Wed July 21, 2010
Steal 50 crates of spice in the Space stage
Wed July 21, 2010
Mad Skills
Earn top ranks on 50 Leaderboards.
Sat May 15, 2010
Place 200 Non-Accessorized Creatures into your Adventures.
Sun May 9, 2010
Download 500 Adventures.
Thu December 31, 2009
My First Captain
Raise a Captain to Rank 10.
Sat September 12, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Thu August 20, 2009
Create 10 Adventures.
Tue August 11, 2009
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Wed July 8, 2009
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Tue July 7, 2009
Can't Win For Losing
Die at least once in every stage of Spore
Mon July 6, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Sun July 5, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Sat July 4, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Sat May 23, 2009
Identity Crisis
Forge an alliance between two space-faring races of your own creation
Sat March 14, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Fri March 13, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Sat March 7, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Sat March 7, 2009
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Sat March 7, 2009
Warrior Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Warrior
Sat March 7, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Sat March 7, 2009
Adamantium Civilization
Complete Civilization stage on Hard setting
Sat March 7, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Sat March 7, 2009
Capture 15 Star Systems
Sat March 7, 2009
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Sat March 7, 2009
Palm Greaser
Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage
Sat March 7, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sat March 7, 2009
Find the center of the galaxy
Sat March 7, 2009
Empire Builder
Maximize colonies on 10 planets
Sat March 7, 2009
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Sat March 7, 2009
Steel Tribe
Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting
Sat March 7, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Fri February 27, 2009
Finish Creature stage without legs
Fri February 27, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Sat February 14, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Sat February 14, 2009
Fear of Flying
Finish the Civilization stage without ever buying an aircraft
Sat February 14, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sat February 14, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Fri February 13, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Wed February 11, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Wed February 11, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Wed February 11, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Wed February 11, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Wed February 11, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Tue February 10, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes
Tue February 10, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Tue February 10, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Tue February 10, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Tue February 10, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Tue February 10, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 economic cities
Tue February 10, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Tue February 10, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Tue February 10, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Tue February 10, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Tue February 10, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Tue February 10, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Tue February 10, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Fri June 24, 2011
Make and publish 100 creatures
Thu April 30, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Wed April 22, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Sun March 29, 2009
Pathological Cheater
Use a cheat more than 50 times
Fri February 27, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Sun February 15, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Sun February 8, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Sun January 11, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sat December 13, 2008
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sat December 13, 2008
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Sat December 13, 2008
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sat December 13, 2008
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sat December 13, 2008
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat December 13, 2008
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Fri December 12, 2008
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Fri December 12, 2008
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Thu December 11, 2008
Finish Creature stage
Thu December 11, 2008
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Wed December 10, 2008
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Wed December 10, 2008
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Wed December 10, 2008
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Fri October 23, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Tue January 13, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sat January 10, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sat January 10, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sat January 10, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Cell Addict
Finish the Cell stage 25 times
Sat January 10, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat January 10, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat January 10, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Sat January 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Sat January 10, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Sat January 10, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Sat January 10, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Sat January 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes
Sat January 10, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Sat January 10, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Sat January 10, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Sat January 10, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Sat January 10, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sat January 10, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Sat January 10, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Sat January 10, 2009
Fear of Flying
Finish the Civilization stage without ever buying an aircraft
Sat January 10, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Sat January 10, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sat January 10, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Sat January 10, 2009
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Sat January 10, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Sat January 10, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Sat January 10, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Sat January 10, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sat January 10, 2009
Front Page News
Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on
Mon December 29, 2008
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Tue December 21, 2010
Geared Up
Outfit 50 Creatures with Adventure parts.
Sun January 24, 2010
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Mon January 18, 2010
Create 10 Adventures.
Sun January 3, 2010
Place 200 Non-Accessorized Creatures into your Adventures.
Sat January 2, 2010
Download 500 Adventures.
Tue December 29, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Tue December 29, 2009
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Sat August 29, 2009
Capture 15 Star Systems
Thu August 27, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Tue August 25, 2009
Complete the Civilization stage 10 times
Wed August 5, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Wed August 5, 2009
Steal 50 crates of spice in the Space stage
Mon August 3, 2009
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Fri July 17, 2009
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Mon June 15, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Sat June 13, 2009
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Wed June 10, 2009
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Thu June 4, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Wed June 3, 2009
Cell Addict
Finish the Cell stage 25 times
Sun April 5, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Sun March 22, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Sun March 22, 2009
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Tue March 17, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Tue March 17, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Sun March 15, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage 10 times
Sat March 14, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Mon March 2, 2009
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Sun March 1, 2009
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Sun March 1, 2009
Finish Creature stage without dying
Sun March 1, 2009
Meet 200 creatures made by other players
Thu February 19, 2009
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Thu February 19, 2009
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Fri February 13, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Fri February 13, 2009
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Thu February 12, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Thu February 5, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Sun February 1, 2009
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Sat January 31, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Thu January 29, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sat January 24, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Mon January 19, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat January 17, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Sat January 17, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sun January 4, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Sun January 4, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sun January 4, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Sun January 4, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sun January 4, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sun January 4, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat January 3, 2009
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Sat January 3, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sat January 3, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Tue December 30, 2008
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Mon December 29, 2008
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sun December 28, 2008
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Sun December 28, 2008
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sat December 27, 2008
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Sat December 27, 2008
Finish Creature stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Fri December 26, 2008
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Fri December 26, 2008
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Fri December 26, 2008
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Sun July 5, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Tue June 30, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Mon June 29, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Sat June 27, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Mon April 13, 2009
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Thu February 19, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Wed February 11, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Wed February 11, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Wed February 11, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Wed February 11, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Wed February 11, 2009
Pathological Cheater
Use a cheat more than 50 times
Wed February 11, 2009
Intelligent Scientist
Unlock all four Scientist parts on a Captain.
Mon August 30, 2010
Zealot Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Zealot
Mon August 30, 2010
Successfully complete 200 Adventures made by other Creators.
Sun August 22, 2010
Alter Ego
Play the Space stage as all 10 archetypes
Sat August 21, 2010
Bard Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Bard
Sat August 21, 2010
Spore Addict
Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat August 21, 2010
Joyful Bard
Unlock all four Bard parts on a Captain.
Fri August 20, 2010
Bard Passion
Play as a Bard
Wed August 18, 2010
Ecologist Passion
Play as an Ecologist
Sun August 15, 2010
Fierce Warrior
Unlock all four Warrior Parts on a Captain.
Thu August 12, 2010
Find the center of the galaxy
Wed August 11, 2010
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Wed August 11, 2010
Scientist Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Scientist
Mon August 9, 2010
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Sun August 8, 2010
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Sat August 7, 2010
Fear of Flying
Finish the Civilization stage without ever buying an aircraft
Sat August 7, 2010
Finish the Civilization stage by launching ICBMS and destroying all other cities
Sat August 7, 2010
Palm Greaser
Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage
Fri August 6, 2010
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Wed August 4, 2010
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Fri July 30, 2010
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Wed July 28, 2010
Quest Master
Complete 150 missions in the Space stage
Sun July 25, 2010
Oh the Humanity!
Destroy Earth
Sun July 25, 2010
Manifest Destiny
Find Earth
Sat July 24, 2010
Warrior Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Warrior
Sat July 24, 2010
Maxis Scout
Earn 100 badges in the Space stage
Sat July 24, 2010
Empire Builder
Maximize colonies on 10 planets
Sat July 24, 2010
Split Personality
Complete a "Change Archetype" mission
Sat July 24, 2010
Capture 15 Star Systems
Sat July 24, 2010
Download 500 Adventures.
Thu July 22, 2010
Identity Crisis
Forge an alliance between two space-faring races of your own creation
Wed July 21, 2010
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Sat July 17, 2010
Complete an Adventure in the Space Stage.
Sat July 17, 2010
Diplomatic Passion
Play as a Diplomat
Fri July 16, 2010
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Tue January 20, 2009
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Fri January 9, 2009
Cell Addict
Finish the Cell stage 25 times
Fri January 9, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Mon January 5, 2009
Complete the Civilization stage 10 times
Mon January 5, 2009
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Mon January 5, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sun January 4, 2009
Knight Passion
Play as a Knight
Sun January 4, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sun January 4, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Sun January 4, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Sat January 3, 2009
Zealot Passion
Play as a Zealot
Sat January 3, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage 10 times
Sat January 3, 2009
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Sat January 3, 2009
Play the Creature stage 10 times
Sat January 3, 2009
Finish the Cell stage in under 8 minutes
Sat January 3, 2009
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Sat January 3, 2009
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Fri January 2, 2009
Scientist Passion
Play as a Scientist
Fri January 2, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Fri January 2, 2009
Meet 200 creatures made by other players
Thu January 1, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Thu January 1, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Wed December 31, 2008
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 economic cities
Wed December 31, 2008
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Tue December 30, 2008
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Sun December 28, 2008
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sun December 28, 2008
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Sun December 28, 2008
Heal one of your tribe members back to full health 5x in a single game
Sun December 28, 2008
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Sat December 27, 2008
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Sat December 27, 2008
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sat December 27, 2008
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sat December 27, 2008
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Sat December 27, 2008
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Sat December 27, 2008
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Sat December 27, 2008
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat December 27, 2008
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Sat December 27, 2008
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sat December 27, 2008
Finish Creature stage without dying
Sat December 27, 2008
Finish Creature stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Sat December 27, 2008
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Sat December 27, 2008
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Sat December 27, 2008
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sat December 27, 2008
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sat July 11, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Fri July 3, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Fri July 3, 2009
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sat April 25, 2009
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Thu April 16, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Thu April 16, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Thu April 16, 2009
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Wed April 15, 2009
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Mon April 6, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Mon April 6, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sun April 5, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sun April 5, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sun April 5, 2009
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sun April 5, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Sun April 5, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Sun April 5, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sun April 5, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Sun April 5, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sun April 5, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Sun April 5, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sun April 5, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sun April 5, 2009
Evolve a creature with three heads
Sun April 5, 2009
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sun April 5, 2009
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Sun March 31, 2013
Rising Star
Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 people
Sat March 7, 2009
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Tue December 9, 2008
Spend 50 hours in the creators
Sat November 15, 2008
Front Page News
Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on
Thu November 13, 2008
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Mon November 3, 2008
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sun November 2, 2008
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Fri October 24, 2008
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Thu October 23, 2008
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Wed October 22, 2008
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Wed October 22, 2008
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Wed October 22, 2008
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Wed October 22, 2008
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Sat September 20, 2008
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sat September 20, 2008
Watchful Parent
Complete the Tribal stage without the death of a single tribe member
Sat September 20, 2008
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Sat September 20, 2008
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sat September 20, 2008
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Sat September 20, 2008
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Fri September 19, 2008
Finish Creature stage
Fri September 19, 2008
Finish Creature stage without dying
Fri September 19, 2008
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Fri September 19, 2008
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Fri September 19, 2008
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Fri September 19, 2008
Everyone's BFF
Finish the Creature stage by befriending at least 20 other species
Fri September 19, 2008
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Fri September 19, 2008
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Fri September 19, 2008
Ecologist Passion
Play as an Ecologist
Tue July 10, 2012
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Tue July 10, 2012
Epic Fail
Fail 50 Adventures made by other Creators.
Mon August 24, 2009
Place 200 Non-Accessorized Creatures into your Adventures.
Sun August 23, 2009
Create 10 Adventures.
Tue August 11, 2009
Universe In A Box
Play in every stage and every creator
Fri July 3, 2009
Village Folks
Have three posse members from different species
Wed July 1, 2009
Published Author
Publish an Adventure.
Wed July 1, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Sun January 4, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Sat December 13, 2008
Extinct at least 20 other species in Creature stage
Sat December 13, 2008
Flight of the Bumblebee
Fly for over 200 meters without touching the ground
Sat December 13, 2008
Max Power
Build a creature with maximum stats in at least 4 abilities in Creature stage
Sat December 13, 2008
Eat 50 different species across any number of games
Sat December 13, 2008
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Sat December 13, 2008
Automotive Engineer
Make and publish 50 vehicles
Sat December 13, 2008
Ghetto Blaster
Create 10 Anthems
Wed December 10, 2008
Make and publish 100 creatures
Sat December 6, 2008
Social Engineer
Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 creations or more
Sat December 6, 2008
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Sat December 6, 2008
Finish Creature stage without legs
Sat December 6, 2008
Speed Demon
Finish Creature stage within an hour
Sat December 6, 2008
Epic Killer
Kill an epic in Creature stage
Sat December 6, 2008
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Sat December 6, 2008
Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
Fri November 28, 2008
Send a photo or video to a friend from Test Drive mode
Tue September 16, 2008
Wanderer Passion
Play as a Wanderer
Tue September 9, 2008
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Mon September 8, 2008
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Sun September 7, 2008
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Sun September 7, 2008
Galactic God
Evolve from a cell to a space traveler in one continuous game
Sun September 7, 2008
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Sun September 7, 2008
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Sun September 7, 2008
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Sun September 7, 2008
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Sun September 7, 2008
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Sun September 7, 2008
Ergonomically Terrific!
Complete the Tribal stage in less than an hour
Sun September 7, 2008
Kill all members of all 5 opposing tribes and raze their villages
Sun September 7, 2008
Finish Creature stage
Sun September 7, 2008
Deja Vu
Discover something you created in another game
Sun September 7, 2008
Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
Sun September 7, 2008
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Sun September 7, 2008
Aluminum Cell
Complete Cell stage on Hard setting
Thu April 9, 2009
General Custer
Lead 30 posse members to their death
Thu April 9, 2009
Careless Parent
Lose 5 planets
Thu April 9, 2009
Trader Passion
Play as a Trader
Thu April 9, 2009
Iron Creature
Complete Creature stage on Hard setting
Thu April 9, 2009
Tribe stage unlocked
Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
Thu April 9, 2009
Military Strongman
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 military cities
Thu April 9, 2009
Creature stage unlocked
Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
Thu April 9, 2009
Space stage unlocked
Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
Thu April 9, 2009
Destroy at least 500 other space vessels
Thu April 9, 2009
Civilization stage unlocked
Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
Thu April 9, 2009
Warrior Passion
Play as a Warrior
Thu April 9, 2009
Conquer all the other cities in the Civilization stage and launch your first space vessel
Thu April 9, 2009
Make and publish 100 creatures
Thu April 9, 2009
Warrior Hero
Achieve Master Badge Level 10 as a Warrior
Thu April 9, 2009
Spice Hoarder
Control every resource node on the planet simultaneously
Thu April 9, 2009
Identity Crisis
Forge an alliance between two space-faring races of your own creation
Thu April 9, 2009
Split Personality
Complete a "Change Archetype" mission
Thu April 9, 2009
Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
Thu April 9, 2009
Spore Fan
Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy
Thu April 9, 2009
Rolling Thunder
Complete the Civilization stage in less than an hour
Thu April 9, 2009
Create and share 50 buildings
Thu April 9, 2009
Palm Greaser
Pay 50 bribes in the Space stage
Thu April 9, 2009
Tribal Socialite
Convert all 5 opposing tribes to your belief system
Thu April 9, 2009
Finish the Civilization stage with more than 8 religious cities
Thu April 9, 2009
Shaman Passion
Play as a Shaman
Thu April 9, 2009
Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
Thu April 9, 2009
Steel Tribe
Complete Tribe stage on Hard setting
Thu April 9, 2009
Finish Creature stage
Thu April 9, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Domesticate and farm three different species
Thu April 9, 2009