7 Gold Trophy Cups -
1 Silver -
1 Bronze
Clark and Stanley find a mudkip by Danvelus
Gold trophy - 0 % in 00:00.000 seconds - Sun August 23, 2009
Caddle Adventure- civ by Nosajane
Gold trophy - 12.5 % in 02:07.801 minutes - Sun August 23, 2009
pokemon by templarknight
Gold trophy - 31.5 % in 03:16.617 minutes - Sun August 23, 2009
The Stick Figure thingy by NOOBINTOR
Gold trophy - 40.6 % in 01:19.211 minutes - Sun October 4, 2009
flooded planet by miles12344
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:54.368 minutes - Sun August 23, 2009
Black Hole Sun by Creepers79
Gold trophy - 0 % in 00:27.924 seconds - Sat August 22, 2009
CbfStudios Grand Adventure!! by cbfstudios
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:58.174 seconds - Sat September 19, 2009
ancient curse by cheezburgah
Silver trophy - 16.6 % in 01:09.416 minutes - Sat August 22, 2009
Pokemon Adventure! (Chapter 1) by AnimalAddict999
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:16.762 minutes - Sun August 23, 2009