3 Gold Trophy Cups -
5 Silver -
4 Bronze
Raiders by Heykungfu
Gold trophy - 50 % in 01:18.853 minutes - Sat July 11, 2009
Clark and Stanly go to bed by BLackBatNax
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:15.457 seconds - Wed July 22, 2009
Killer Mittens by rager
Gold trophy - 85 % in 02:15.104 minutes - Tue July 7, 2009
calrk and stanly make clones by rcart
Silver trophy - 83.3 % in 00:44.732 seconds - Thu July 23, 2009
Helping Out by lukesasha
Silver trophy - 13.8 % in 06:58.560 minutes - Sun July 5, 2009
Icy something in the sky! by axSlave
Silver trophy - 25 % in 00:59.888 seconds - Fri July 3, 2009
GrenToxic by JonnyV98
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:01.075 minutes - Tue July 14, 2009
Clark and Stanly make an army by thequarky1
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:36.710 seconds - Wed July 22, 2009
Soo Civilized Achievement by mada_1998
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:25.455 seconds - Tue July 14, 2009
Clark and Stanly Watch Airplanes by Shneo
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:25.089 seconds - Wed July 22, 2009
Pokemon Adventure by Ecidi
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 05:23.657 minutes - Sat July 4, 2009
Zombie Chicken Attack by Bazkur
Bronze trophy - 52.3 % in 00:34.601 seconds - Sun July 5, 2009