47 Gold Trophy Cups -
34 Silver -
27 Bronze
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 100 % in 04:28.513 minutes - Wed July 28, 2010
Primeros pasos - TXP by Scastilla
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:47.249 minutes - Mon October 26, 2009
¡¡Coje los andolinos!! by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:14.369 seconds - Sun November 22, 2009
Modo Historia AYA Orok Attu by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 95.8 % in 16:17.078 minutes - Tue December 15, 2009
Spore tm estadio de criatura 1 by monkey41
Gold trophy - 50 % in 03:33.990 minutes - Tue August 18, 2009
Gorgon - Recolección by Scastilla
Gold trophy - 100 % in 04:33.694 minutes - Fri August 28, 2009
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 14.2 % in 01:37.254 minutes - Mon July 19, 2010
Henry el pepinillo -Cap,2B- by Rubén4444
Gold trophy - 100 % in 03:30.915 minutes - Wed February 24, 2010
Henry el pepinillo -Cap,4- by Rubén4444
Gold trophy - 65 % in 01:08.268 minutes - Wed March 3, 2010
Fuerza Epica by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 03:38.841 minutes - Sun November 15, 2009
The Final Arena-Preliminar by monkey41
Gold trophy - 100 % in 14:49.067 minutes - Thu August 20, 2009
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 100 % in 06:57.925 minutes - Fri July 30, 2010
Ironman training by Pabloastronauta
Gold trophy - 100 % in 03:40.444 minutes - Thu August 13, 2009
La senda evolutiva(Kankose) by pericus
Gold trophy - 100 % in 02:12.963 minutes - Fri July 16, 2010
Desafios de Adda 1-Aberrante by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:57.169 minutes - Wed December 9, 2009
Gorgon - Hielo by Scastilla
Gold trophy - 100 % in 09:33.630 minutes - Wed October 7, 2009
Modo Historia AYA Reddand by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 19:42.890 minutes - Thu December 17, 2009
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 87.5 % in 07:50.523 minutes - Tue July 20, 2010
Prueba Gladiator Kankose 02 by poliko
Gold trophy - 53.3 % in 06:20.601 minutes - Tue January 5, 2010
Infeccion by Pabloastronauta
Gold trophy - 100 % in 03:01.306 minutes - Mon August 10, 2009
La gran huída by Pabloastronauta
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:19.389 minutes - Wed August 12, 2009
Como Desacerse De Riborgs -1- by Molucas
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:26.626 seconds - Mon August 30, 2010
Semifinales AYA 1 by Alropa0
Gold trophy - 25 % in 00:31.421 seconds - Tue January 5, 2010
Genesis by Arkangel12
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:12.912 seconds - Sun December 5, 2010
Modo Historia AYA Arqueek by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 15:11.111 minutes - Mon December 14, 2009
Desafios de Adda 2-Magmo by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:31.995 minutes - Tue December 15, 2009
La maldicion de la antigua base2 by furiusplanet1
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:00.089 minutes - Mon January 17, 2011
Cuartos de Final2 AYA by Alropa0
Gold trophy - 66.6 % in 08:32.566 minutes - Sun January 3, 2010
Paracaidismo-1 by monkey41
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:52.512 minutes - Fri December 25, 2009
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 100 % in 07:34.103 minutes - Tue July 13, 2010
Las guerras de Buluggon by monkey41
Gold trophy - 100 % in 08:06.415 minutes - Wed September 2, 2009
Genesis by Arkangel12
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:05.198 minutes - Wed July 21, 2010
La fiesta-The Party by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 02:51.024 minutes - Sat November 14, 2009
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 40 % in 03:10.302 minutes - Sun July 25, 2010
Stick Battle 2-Kankose by Rubén4444
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:52.812 minutes - Thu March 18, 2010
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 12.8 % in 01:10.029 minutes - Fri July 9, 2010
Cuartos de Final2 AYA by Alropa0
Gold trophy - 66.6 % in 10:33.070 minutes - Sun January 3, 2010
Gorgon - Viejos Enemigos by Scastilla
Gold trophy - 83.3 % in 01:06.552 minutes - Fri August 28, 2009
Modo Historia AYA (beta) by Arqueek93
Gold trophy - 100 % in 02:18.419 minutes - Sun December 13, 2009
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 100 % in 06:14.932 minutes - Tue July 13, 2010
Arkey -I- by Arkangel12
Gold trophy - 66.6 % in 04:32.163 minutes - Sat January 8, 2011
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 33.3 % in 03:14.448 minutes - Wed July 14, 2010
VMT - 2 - Kankose by Scastilla
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:23.324 seconds - Sun March 28, 2010
agua de tarde by pericus
Gold trophy - 57.1 % in 01:47.828 minutes - Wed September 16, 2009
Spore tm estadio de criatura 3 by monkey41
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:51.564 minutes - Tue August 18, 2009
Aterrizaje by Scastilla
Gold trophy - 37.5 % in 02:33.355 minutes - Mon August 24, 2009
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Gold trophy - 14.2 % in 01:05.206 minutes - Sat July 17, 2010
AYA, Capitanes Alropa0 by Alropa0
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:09.899 minutes - Tue December 15, 2009
batalla polar(polar battle) by juanky9
Silver trophy - 0 % in 02:15.468 minutes - Sun February 21, 2010
Henry el pepinillo -Cap,3- by Rubén4444
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:36.197 minutes - Fri February 26, 2010
Semifinales AYA 2 by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 07:05.963 minutes - Tue January 5, 2010
Desbloqueables Batho HOME by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 05:54.445 minutes - Tue January 5, 2010
Semifinales AYA 1 by Alropa0
Silver trophy - 0 % in 00:46.842 seconds - Tue January 5, 2010
Nanodestructors power preview by Pabloastronauta
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:50.239 minutes - Sun October 25, 2009
Cuartos de Final AYA by Alropa0
Silver trophy - 100 % in 07:33.356 minutes - Thu December 24, 2009
Prueba Gladiator Kankose 01 by poliko
Silver trophy - 16.6 % in 01:39.890 minutes - Tue January 5, 2010
RS-Lightwater Bridge by monkey41
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:27.520 minutes - Thu February 11, 2010
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Silver trophy - 7.1 % in 01:00.716 minutes - Mon July 19, 2010
VMT 1 - Kankose by Scastilla
Silver trophy - 11.1 % in 01:14.322 minutes - Sun March 21, 2010
Humanos (Kankose) by Cazaordas
Silver trophy - 61.1 % in 08:41.122 minutes - Sun July 11, 2010
MT-Desafio ferrito by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 02:37.466 minutes - Mon July 5, 2010
La Tierra (Año 80500) by efrejoky
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:53.470 minutes - Fri December 18, 2009
El Fuerte Infectado by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 80 % in 17:19.307 minutes - Wed September 8, 2010
Gralligm VS Acosadorianos by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 68.8 % in 04:45.142 minutes - Tue November 17, 2009
Ultima fase clasificatoria AYA by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 05:07.562 minutes - Sun December 20, 2009
Henry el pepinillo 2C by Rubén4444
Silver trophy - 37.5 % in 01:38.265 minutes - Thu February 25, 2010
Modo Historia AYA Tanji by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 16:15.622 minutes - Wed December 16, 2009
Lost in the ice 2 MAGMA by Pabloastronauta
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:46.518 seconds - Sun August 16, 2009
Spore tm estadio de tribu(sin F) by monkey41
Silver trophy - 100 % in 10:16.519 minutes - Fri August 21, 2009
Taptup Race!! Ancient Ruins by monkey41
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:54.048 minutes - Thu August 27, 2009
El pueblo by Uburian
Silver trophy - 100 % in 06:57.817 minutes - Sun January 31, 2010
Antartic by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 04:38.284 minutes - Sun November 15, 2009
Magmo asesino (Muy dificil) by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:17.325 seconds - Mon November 9, 2009
Stick Battle NOTICIAS by Rubén4444
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:05.077 seconds - Wed March 17, 2010
El Ataque a Dak-002 1,1 by Scastilla
Silver trophy - 100 % in 12:24.321 minutes - Thu August 13, 2009
21 epicos by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 03:14.502 minutes - Fri October 23, 2009
Entrenamiento de trampas by monkey41
Silver trophy - 0 % in 00:07.585 seconds - Thu September 17, 2009
Fase Clasificatoria 3 AYA by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 04:57.805 minutes - Sun December 20, 2009
Cine - Dífilo y Damilea by Scastilla
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:54.508 seconds - Sun March 28, 2010
Spore tm estadio de criatura 2 by monkey41
Silver trophy - 100 % in 03:08.492 minutes - Tue August 18, 2009
Danzhong - Campaña2 by Arqueek93
Silver trophy - 100 % in 09:41.887 minutes - Sun April 18, 2010
MT-Carrera del bosque Especiero by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 01:36.954 minutes - Sat July 3, 2010
El ataque de Dfalkdos by Scastilla
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:43.752 minutes - Sun August 16, 2009
La Llama Celestial by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 05:12.334 minutes - Sun November 22, 2009
Spore(tm) estadio de celula-Edit by monkey41
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:51.720 minutes - Tue August 18, 2009
Alter - 1 by Scastilla
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 01:01.493 minutes - Fri March 19, 2010
Tutorial Cromi by Arkangel12
Bronze trophy - 33.3 % in 00:51.281 seconds - Sat April 24, 2010
Homer clones!!! by Alropa0
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 06:49.338 minutes - Tue December 15, 2009
Escapatoria 0 by Pabloastronauta
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:29.568 minutes - Thu August 13, 2009
Condado de Manquia by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 04:36.577 minutes - Sun December 13, 2009
Captain training (Fixed+no cc) by Pabloastronauta
Bronze trophy - 12.5 % in 00:08.294 seconds - Sun November 8, 2009
manuel de instrucciones 2 by Cusalapapen
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 01:00.011 minutes - Thu February 25, 2010
Prueba Gladiator Kankose 01 by poliko
Bronze trophy - 10 % in 00:50.955 seconds - Tue January 5, 2010
Por Una Causa Justa by Molucas
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:10.364 seconds - Mon August 30, 2010
Rally por el Nilo by Rubén4444
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:12.313 minutes - Sat April 3, 2010
easy points!!!!!! by cybergalactic
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:09.965 seconds - Thu August 27, 2009
Gorgon - Nieve by Scastilla
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:37.669 minutes - Sun August 30, 2009
Batho HOME by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:33.536 seconds - Sun January 3, 2010
A la caza del Tutoto by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:53.279 minutes - Sun November 15, 2009
Cromi Fortines 1 by Arkangel12
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:47.788 seconds - Sat April 24, 2010
The Time machine by Morius2100
Bronze trophy - 91.6 % in 10:19.050 minutes - Sat May 22, 2010
La llama del caos by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 11:00.290 minutes - Wed November 25, 2009
Prologo de HI by Demócrito
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:58.732 seconds - Thu March 17, 2011
Glaciar de Kankose by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 05:46.155 minutes - Sat May 8, 2010
Danzhong - Campaña by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:49.872 minutes - Wed March 24, 2010
Sobre Henry el pepinillo (saga) by Rubén4444
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:05.093 seconds - Tue February 23, 2010
Desbloqueables Batho HOME by Arqueek93
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 04:25.617 minutes - Mon January 4, 2010
Bases Proyecto Gladiator by poliko
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:04.627 minutes - Sun January 3, 2010