lunabug's 136 BUDDIES:
the Québec is too good for maxis
When you push the envelope - beware of paper cuts
I really wish I could afford the expansion pack...
If you run across my critters in-game let me know!
I'm back, let's see if I can still create
Buddy-List me to add cool, simple creatures =)
I try to be unique.
DNA! Soup of Creation
Maybe I'll get tired of tentacles... someday...
Quality before quantity.
The only limit is imagination...
Life is better in the editor. See for yerself.
I kick
Hard setting is the only setting.
I hope you enjoy what you see.
Creatrix of Incredible Creatures!
use anything you'd like in any adventure
Howdoodles :)
I'm addicted to pink spice!
tagline? i don't need no steenkin' tagline!
Make sure you check out my Sporecasts!
I have wanted a game like this since I was 6
With our phony British accents, Oho ho ho!
Taking fusion requests. <3 EdgeofReality
Evolution's One-Stop-Shop
soldier boy up in your base
Creativity with a dash of the ethereal!
:+: standing here in my field of dreams :+:
Function > form, quality > quantity. Nothing clips
Super Detail + Poor Animation = Lame
Thanks for all the comments.
Altaholicus Infinitus Maximus
Use whatever you want
What doesn't kill you makes you slightly weaker
give him a huge hug------------>
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
Traps. It is, in fact, a trap.
Populating tomorrows galaxy today.
Tan sencillo que aburre a las ostras
Up in arms...Nuclear Arms!!
Spore is serious business
Home of the Swamp Critters!
In a tongue twist lie.
Above all else: sky.
Home Of The Razzingo
Building a world...Bit by Bit
All Hail the Caffinated Goodness
Emporium of platypus creatures
I'm back... temporarily?
Creator of the Playable Buddylist Project
I was promised Tang, and there is none. I quit.
flying low underneath the radar
Look what I can do!
MechaGodzilla's TPBL page
Ratings and Comments are greatly appreciated! :)
let's make mutant babies
Quality over Quantity
-(Jellybutton King)- you have no idea...
Very very busy...I'm so sorry.
Talent works, genius creates
Life is short, Have some fun.
Everything I make still tastes like chicken
I am many things ... but here, I am God
Why do feet smell and noses run?
Ralfiolio humpfrood en ralfiolio!
Architect supremo
done with spore, feel free to use my creatures
Have fun
Fully Featured Functionality
This is my Playable Buddy List profile!
a bit out of practice
Engineering the Genome..
Corn, the Houdini of food ;)
IWHBYD but a dog beat me over the fence.....
Beauty in simplicity.
Play 4 fun its only a game.
Spore still doesn't work for me after reinstall :/
Back in Action! How have you all been?
There's no-one here but us rabbits.
Rabbage! You found me!
Proud member of the Playable Buddy List.
Devourer Of Worlds
Now known to all as zombieontherise!
Creating abominations of God since June, 2008
Playing Darwin in my spare time
Still away from Spore.
Are you not impressed?
Engineering the future - currently retired
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
I only upload the best ;p .
Evolving something every once in a while.
No longer play Spore. Working hard now.
Feature me now! :P
Opp Ack Baby! Learning still.
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
I'm around...
Being ordinary is boring.
Come try Spore Tournament (Beta)!!!
Live love not fear
It's alive!
Long live the Playable Buddy List!!!
Norge, Norway
Where the cool creatures are made
Hoping to have more time to Spore soon