eme12's 422 BUDDIES:
just call me odDballL
🇺🇦 Just a wandering catboy
Мои творения с 2018 года. Основа - 0KepOnline
Enjoying Spore.
Leaving the community next year. Had a great time!
I am back, I think...
I now go by a new name: Foxboy614
Creating stuff is neat!!!
Look ahead & be creative! What will you discover?
Gender equality and quirky adventures by the peck.
I can play all of 'Stairway ro Heaven' on guitar
I'll be back after 9th February!
new account: Omegasquid
inactive :/
groudon00's new profile. Love all of You!
Is holding out for Spore 2
Words go here
Creating is my passion.
Find me... at WildWarriorCat.
Poop it out.
Sorry have been offline; work, school, kid = busy!
I quit being a troll! HAPPY!?!
Check out my youtubez. Account name is Bigbearfane
New tagline still under construction. Just wait.
Sporehalla Discord https://discord.gg/w4Ewzgm
Dinosaurs here! Aliens at new acc: AstroPlanet
Everything's better with Lokis!
MoodyLittleZephyr#0117 discord
Everything free use . . .
Spore is a good game if you good at making
Is currently on this alt account: Ash_thunder_8375
hi to everyone please buddy me
Creating again in 2023
An Island of Sea in a Sea of Islands
Most definitely dead.
Hey look, Spore
I will be offline for a LONG LONG time.
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
If you are still here, please look at my stuff
Screenname And Account Are Discontinued
PSO2NGS is holding me hostage, don't send help
Chickens Rule Them All!
Stars don't shine; they burn.
Busy with life, college, and stuff.
Admiral_Cloudberg on Reddit & Steam
Back on Spore!!!
Guess it or not... I'm back...
change your tagline
Spec bio and lobopod enthusiast
surrender yer brainmeatses
Arguing With myself and losing!
Christmas is near...
Colossus crossing - next 100 kms
More creations coming when I install Origin SPORE!
All things cutness related are now on my new main
Creativity is a form of Madness...
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
Back in business!
You can change taglines? Scary.
bye bye spore. wow is so much better!
Every great invention needs proper inspiration.
Well-designed creatures, props and adventures.
Dirtymeat A~Go~Go
Spore Discord: https://discord.gg/66jVk3X
Who needs a tagline?
...Like tears, in rain.
What was wrong with me
I believe that the hot dogs go on...
Working on things for GA
Can't create right now because my game is broken
I Am Now Thunderlord1234
Veronica Taylor did a very good Ash voice.
Gone. Forever.
the old king is dead, long live the king!
Art lives longer than humans do. Make more art
Ascension Hub: https://discord.gg/nUty56dMuZ
just for fun account: the_eelman
Make Alien adventures with my creations!
That's right - flippie7 is back!
Currently frolicking in the flower fields...
I'm winning, I got Tigerblood!!!!!
Have a Coke and a Smile!
well, well, look whos inside again
Back and ready to make more weirdness.
Has left for good
"Pokemonkab ruined the Revolutionverse" - williezk
Finally back in business!
Spore (2008) Video Game
Now at www.deviantart.com/girghgh
The universe awaits
The Creator of the galaxy.
Decade+ of Spore gang (new account obviously)
Back from the dead. :)
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
, Emperor's Hand
Olá a todos, eu sou GabrieleTheMan!
Spored not bored
anyone seen a 10ft fire breathing dragon? its mis-
Spode's in his heaven. All's right with the galaxy
What a dude.
MPN looks trash.
♥Welcome to Indigo's Creatures♥
What are you doing here?
So what if LC is FFX? Shut up and forgive her.
I'm still alive!
Evolution takes no prisioners
It's all downhill from here...
Beware for Jonped99... Or else U don't get cake
Moved back to Squin96.
Watch TV80 on youtube!!!
Not the best but not the worst.
Creating is a Passionfruit.
had this game since I was 8, im 15 now
See ya, space cowboy.
Devourer of thots and simps
Alt account for storage of work in progress.
I'm back!
Lurking since 2012
I'm active every now and then.
Planning to make characters from Avatar.
i'm an animal lover!
I take people to Hell with me
Sharples and Propaganda are not trolls/nubs
Imagination leads to creation.
Quit the game. Don't even bother to contact me.
The Insanity Awaits...
New Account: Savanahthedragon
one two three four i don't wanna live no more
Creativity is my life.
check my most recent creation
You're gonna have a bad time
If life throws you melons, you might be dyslexic
i will singlehandedly revive spore
On and off just leave a comment. I will get to it.
"No." -Chris, 2012-2023
A complete fool
Creating the Spores
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Can I kick it? Yes I can.
Make something cool with the Spore API!
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
Spore is my favorite game, I play it all day long,
I'm Also Desarian
Welcome to my special hell.
Terminus ante quem...
ACCOUNT VACANT - go to Rainmask (1/29/16)
let's make mutant babies
Sporechives - https://discord.gg/ps5fhFwfCm
How Many Knights Does it Take to Change Chivalry?
Thomas Edison has the best medicine
Back in 2020! New account: Miserybearr
The lady who makes realistic animals..& stuff!
sharing issues/irl problem So I wont post as much
Wants another account, but already has 5. :(
Look at the comments, you'll see fun things (;
Taking Over EA One Sheep At A Time. WE'RE HERE
sometimes modded
Back on Spore, but only making modded creations
An old ghost of former past.
My YouTube is DoctorPebphiz! Check it out!
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
We break all the taboos of science.
still can't get the update working, sad!
Life is what you make it, so make it worth ur time
Pack up, let's fly away!
What's the point of corn?
I create generic creatures.
Supporter of Buizels since forever
Can't catch a squirrel unless you act like a nut!
a bit out of practice
1,465 subbed; http://www.twitch.tv/sporepat1196
metaphorical Ancient Horror
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.
Please take care.
Done for now.
I'm saving my galaxy every day.
Every miracle can be made possible if you believe!
Dream of times and spaces / I left far behind...
I am just a simple woman playing God
Never look a chicken in the eye...
"That scratch is making me itch!"
Hey team-- Am on hiatus. Exams. o.o
Some sort of poetic Grim Reaper.
Deus pascit corvos
Find me on Steam. I have the same name there.
Kerios is watching you.
The best creations're those you've yet to make
Currently doing a research essay on Spore!
I create whatever I want, whenever I want.
Yes, I do own this 1999 Viper ACR
Taking a break until Maxis fixes my 'Best-Seller'
Probably wont be on regularly but who knows 😎
Salooverall's alt for sharing YT-creations
Potatoes are godly beings pass it on
After many regretful decisions, it's finally over
I'm addicted to DC Universe Online...
The "true and honest Selina" is FAKE!
Having problems playing spore on my pc :(
More Spore over at shadowraptor101.tumblr.com!
Add me on Miiverse!: ShadowRaptor101/Luther :P
abandon hope all who comment here.
Somebody call for an overqualified anthropomorph?
Beyond "Page 2" of my creations are shameful...
Strange Things From Space
you're doing so good.
Follow me on twitch at af00kinprawn!
i lost the will to create more content help
I'm too lazy to play right now lmao
Doing less sailing these days...
Pick your poison!
Moving--may or may not come back.
Who Watches The Watchers
*thigh slap *
Caremoe Vs. The Galaxy
The Creator of the Future
Sooooper bored.
we're back online? Yay!
Mostly on dispored and spore spec evo discord
anybody alive here?
>>ORIGIN messed up my Account<<
I'm perfectly normal... in a mathematical sense
No disk drive, RIP in peace
"My purpose is clear, my targets doomed."
It's fun to squabble with people you don't know.
New project in progress, could take a few months
i wish i could put an apostrophe in my name
Back in 2020! New account: Miserybearr
Making what I make best.
Spore broke
Excuse me while I upload 3 years of unseen content
Not one alot but i am trying to be on more often.
online and here to stay
I was Toddmonster... Welcome to the new me
You won´t stand a chance!
i dont know how i got this creature as my picture
Sheeesh, never used this account in awhile.
I'm around...
Is now Invader_ZIM_Fan.
change your tagline
Migrated to a new screen name: Weenifer
I miss the spore community
Sometimes I'm a Dinosaur
I will be the Spore Master!
The Cactuz might be back zoon...
Has left the building - for real this time
Change da world, my final message. Goodbye
I'm new to this
10 Years of Quackenstein
Under new management:SoarinWonderbolt.
No limits for the imagination! :D
Not as active. I have Skype, though.
COOKIE!!! 。◕‿‿◕。 offline now さようなら私の友達
Chicken's got wine. And you don't.