Steven8's 527 BUDDIES:
To play or not to play spore.That is the question!
Lost all my spore files -___-
"All Warfare is based on deception"
i going better all the time
ich bin nett und mag meine freunde
All I used to know of this game no longer lives.
42, a resposta para a vida, o universo e tudo mais
Please read my latest creation!
Oh, hey.
moved to vonkarma
- the beast master
otterburn park
The Xeon are Here
Love spore ! Thanx to all my friends!:D
,\,,/ Ò_Ó \,,/,
"Fine... let the games... begin..."
Do you like SPORE ? I LOVE THIS GAME !!!
I am AuraNovus' sister. So there.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Thank you Spore, I hope to see you in the future
I'm going to make a better Dinosaur Sporecast.
kept you waiting huh?
Berzerker95 is:Playing Spore
Slow and Sure
I love Cherry Red!
Game's getting old...
🔮-🔮 Bruh...
Looking for disks then will finally be back!
Justice is done
To boldly go where no dude has gone before
Back, and wanting new SPORE parts :(
Can't get rid of me THAT easily
My name is BurninatingFreez and I like to party!
Dragons, and Monsters, and Apes, oh my!
i now play mainly for template contests
EA stinks.
Feel free to use any and all my creations.
Not going to play Spore anymore, sorry.
Carnage12345 is my new SPORE account.
OK I swear this is getting a bit weird
hdswyddgdwjdsdws.... kthbai
Few YTube creatures can't upload due to complexity
I finally made an actual Chicken.
creating for fun :)
There's nothing imagined that can't be created.
I have quit Spore. I bid you, good day.
I'm horse-obsessed
DA: Pyroraptor42 Tumblr: ElEspermatozoideMesozoico
Dook dook dook!
A relic from a different time
Mean Green Mother From Outer Space
if its cool, i make it better
is Absolute
Will be back
Life would be easy if we had the source code.
To build more than just creatures; to build worlds
Transing your genders since 2010
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
The Tales Of Darkless 3 series is coming soon!
Find me on DA I'm Feral-night
My spore now works!
Starting a Star Squad TCG- Battle for the Galaxy
Spore is not currently holding my interest...
Use your Freedom of Choice!
sorry to much crap with school to be doing anythin
Discord for GA at https://discord.gg/7zmvrFU
Feels weird to be back on Spore
change your tagline
i can't believe this game still exists
Illars demand a sacrifice.
Space stage reached: 2/12 Control: 3 arms by 2/13
Awsome21 tries to troll me. He've failed epicz!
Creating creations for fun.
Not comin' back. New account: xX_japan_Xx.SUB MEH!
Going to be back online soon. :D
Dragonpenguin123 on DeviantART
Ack, this needs more fire!
Let me know when Spore isn't dead
Bluh bluh what do?
Creativity is in the eye of the beholder.
A Royale with Cheese.
Contest For Points No.4 underway!
New series!
go with the flow
Aran Suit Manufacturing
I click ergo I am!
Anomalocaris will rule!
I'm a UGW member (Inkyspode24's club)
VIGM, Vereinigung Intergalaktischer Milchbauern
Make Alien adventures with my creations!
change your tagline
New account: BunkerChunk. fishboy102 has ended!
Please don't talk about my old creations...
Busy making YouTube animations.
I'm The King of LOL
More freaks! MORE FREAKS!!! MUHAHAHAHA!!!!
Slimy Greetings
Gaze not into infinity, lest it look back at you!
On another profile.
fixing my dinos, so some duplicates for a bit
He/They "Gethoce" on other websites!
yea wassup everybody.........
has returned
Still no CPU, I intend on coming back Miss you all
Back for the creativity boost
I have come to destroy...
mzd, he/him. my older comments are ridiculous...
Enslave First, Ask Later.
On vacation.
Sniping the future
check out Sidius98 on darkspore!
Zzyzx! Pronouned Z-I-Zicks
starcraft 2 is so fun i will be gone for a little
Only playing sporadically (sorry :P)
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
[Please wait while tagline loads...]
... for no apparent reason.
John 3:16-21
Bringing mediocrity to a world near you!!
I am the master of interior vehicles.
I'm The Coolio Dood
Bringing you alien life since 08/07/2008
moved to Lost_Echo account
Evolution takes no prisioners
so much to create. . .
Playing another game...
Anime and vocaloid fangirl. ^-^
Deutsche FDS! Btw I speak English =P
Come back for nostalgia. Discord Sepiks#9442
Make em from scratch.Give credit for other's work.
My new sporename is Je4n-S ! please suscribe !!!
TuckerZombies: Permafrost coming soon
Where we going, and why'm I in this handbasket?
Getting Bored of Spore
i create stuff to my friends
Buttered and Toasted
Switched to Decapitron13
Back to the dead.
If you can think it you can do it
Have you tried Blender yet?
One big Galaxy full of magic...
4 8 15 16 23 42
Welcome to King90s's Page
wow, I actually can change my tagline! Amazing
I'm not FKX!
Find me on Deviantart.com // Kanonu
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
What is really out there???
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
Krusedullfaen is gone again...
kurtisj21 now haves dark spore
Now partially sane!
nothing is impossible
I'm fixing your consensual reality.
Please do NOT steal my creations just comment
spore's back up to 100%, I"m back
09-20-17 woah nostalgia trip, drop a comment
just lost EVERYTHING.
"Reflectin Perfection"
Too busy playing Zelda, BRB in a few years
Дедушка Лео следит за вами...
Sorry I've haven't been on in awhile.
"Making a better tomorrow..."
flying low underneath the radar
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
Welcome to my profile =)
Ex-creator. Never featured.
Lets go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes!
saving the world one spore atta time!
I need to be filled in on the changes of spore.
Welcome To My World(s)...
It was fun now I'm done
Creativity is what orbits around me!
Good Morning
If you like my creations be sure to comment :D
Join the Expedition! https://discord.gg/tFYWT33jGH
hey every body check out my stuff
Inspiration is Everywhere
hey hey hey
It is all a dream - a grotesque and foolish dream.
Creatin' Creatures in Texas
Take a look at my sporecasts and rate them pls. :)
hmm what to try next...
The midevil miester
philosophies enable them to rule without regard
a bit out of practice
enilgat ruoy egnahc
metaphorical Ancient Horror
don't steal his hat he will bite you
Just a few things from my mind!
Pezpig is back
dino nugget
Nothing like a monotrem!
This is comming soon
tumblr; vaniilaxs
Just cause somthing is cute or creepy its special.
Hey team-- Am on hiatus. Exams. o.o
This universe ain't big enough for the two of us.
The UFO's are here!! Again!!
Not getting on as much as I used to...
If you have a heart, do your part.
I make my own friends!
I have remembered my password!
has left the atmosphere...
X3 Reunion의 세계로 떠납니다... 스포어는 안녕.
Currently doing a research essay on Spore!
I aim to misbehave !
Talk to me at my mail box called Mail Call(left)
dragon funny creature flying
"I hate finals!"
Not creating much now
Sorry about the lack of activity; I'm pretty busy.
Any Spore is a Super Spore!
Got a new copy of spore, now it works. Win.
DeviantArt acount name xSabinaxx ^^
Imagination Is What Makes Us Human...
Probably wont be on regularly but who knows 😎
Can't let you do that, Starfox!
im gay
Please try my new GA series!
Formerly known as Shadow99
my new account is CresentDragon95
Not cute, but creepy!
Not as active
Add your tagline here
Why Am I still typing these taglines?
Art is Emotional Expression
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
Life, make it yours.
change your tagline
Mila <3
#1 contributor to SporeWiki (apparently)!
Believe me, I'm still here
So long, and thanks for all the Sporelings!
I made a new account so please don't comment here
Bigfoot Real or Fake
I'm back, but computer still has problems booting.
Sporeland or Bust
Making gryphons so you dont have to :)
I won't be on much due to headaches.
Call me when Spore gets patched..
i got nothin to say
I am awesome. Simple.
Spode is a REAPER!
I'll happily take requests for creations!
Busy with real life, not sure when I'll be back
Well, it has been a while, hasn't it?
Silent but happy
Something Dark is brewing in the Galaxy...
the wisest men follow their own direction
Grox are NOT like wolves, wolves aren't jerks!!
Don't be scared to comment on my creations.
Really is something awful (See what I did thar?)
Severely Underrated
~Excuuuuuse me~, princess!
Your idiot is in another forum
SwiftSky of ThunderClan. I drew mah avi
Hail from planet Hearth!
everybody quit this place
Vegetatious Creations: Fine Creations Since 2008
Howdy hOWDY howdee!
Is not back...
change your tagline
Sex: Mâle
My username is the same on Wii U!
i use downloads in game sorry for no credit
10 Years of Quackenstein
Feel free to use my creations for whatever.
they mostly come at night.... mostly.
change your tagline
I'm still here under a different name.
Don’t judge a book by its cover
The universe ends here ✖ ゼツボウ 忍者 ✖