M5000's 246 BUDDIES:
Taking a break.
counting down till Star Citizen comes out
2-21-2018 I am dreadfully sorry. .
Have a great week
99 quailty building created wait for the 100th
Pissin blimey! Theres jam coming outta the walls!
< insert witty tagline here >
Checking in for the nostalgia...
Expanding The Universe One Creation at a Time
People are still playing this game?
I do KSP now. Check me out on reddit :)
Don't believe the hype
I'm in school right now, so I won't be around much
Working on various projects, allways around though
Detail is my business.
change your tagline
you are welcome to use my stuff in your missions
change your tagline
excuse me but, you have lost the game
This is the tagline of the century.
want's a cheezburger
Herpity Derpity.
computer want let me play any more.
nothin but big
It needs more power
creating for fun :)
Admiral_Cloudberg on Reddit & Steam
On a break from Spore.
Nach 10 Jahren mal wieder da, howdy!
change your tagline
I will try to do better!!
If you copy/modify please remember to give credit
Win 10 and Spore do not quite match...
All about the spaceships
where did everyone go?
And thus the woes of life.
I'M BACK!!.....Where'd everyone go?
All the Realms and Worlds...
Jakster is my husband and we watch tv all night
Demented but Determined
I haz a bomb.
Predicting the new starters years ago
fiction has to be plausible. reality does not.
If it ain't broke... I'LL BREAK IT!!!
Completely forgot about this game...
Just approved comments dating back to 2011. MIAa
The Eos Empire crushes all who opose them!
*BANG!* is it dead?
On temporary hiatus for work.
Jesus Loves you!
BE BACK SOON, I PROMISE!(busy fixing computer)
VIGM, Vereinigung Intergalaktischer Milchbauern
Come join me in my wonderland!
Make Spore Great Again
I'm no longer playing, but feel free to look
I NEVER DOWNRATE check my sporecasts out ty:)
Goodbye. Just promise to remember...
I will not change my tagline.
change your tagline
demented perfectionist
change your tagline
Spored not bored
Well hello there.
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Hello, Spore. It's been a while . . .
Still alive :)
Imagination's the one weapon in the war vs reality
Playing another game...
Come back for nostalgia. Discord Sepiks#9442
Still around to respond to comments!
Left Spore; I'll come back if it ever gets updated
no comments please. backed up and nothing new
now has a netbook and starts a comeback! :D
Saver of Humens
My inspiration is found within yours.
Sanity is overrated.
Spore is best PC game ever. Too bad it's dead.
Civilization 4, Y u so addicting?
Just Letting The Sick Creations Out Of My Mind
Mors Regis
Play my GA series: Chronicle of the Wjenta System
Procrastination is like...
Minerva Shipyards Incorporated
Guess who's back. :D
change your tagline
has left the building
Goodbye from the Total Trackhed.
Hey whats this button do?
Subscribe to my new account: G U E S T
Ally the Grox...they are not evil.
Back into spore.......Damn
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
two years away from spore...
Ex-creator. Never featured.
The randomness is strong with this one.
Finally back after saying being back 5 months ago!
It was fun now I'm done
"Men are not peace makers, they are conquers!"
Subscribe! I promise i'll create good stuffs...
trying to get noticed
Feel free to use my stuff in GA...
pure awesomeness
Empires of the future are the empires of the mind.
sighs explosively
Spore crashes on start-up, not reinstalling
"The truth is often stupid." -- Bender
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
Engineered for Excellence.
I'm just a luuurrrve machine!!
Thanks and goodbye to all my buddies.
Exploring the infinite
Massive creativity block... no good creations...
Not done enough apparently
Keep your password's hard to guess!
7he ODdeST_1
Find me at OMMworld dot com
Not dead; just practicing.
Working on new vehicles.
Relearning my old tricks!
Gone for good. Everyone here needs to grow up.
a bit out of practice
im on here people but spore wont work
Kinda playing again... kinda
Is this thing on?
I'm in this for the long run guys...
Nova CEO is on his way back....
Back in Action! How have you all been?
christmas nugger
Join the dark side... and get a free cookie.
Good Bye @ all! I had a great time here! Thanks ^^
Back from the past
We're destined to walk in the light of other suns
An artist's work is never done. :D
Look I'm making some stuff again!
I reject your reality and substitute my own!!
"Being eaten by a cow... possible."
Imagination Is What Makes Us Human...
so I've been gone a while. probs won't come back.
High Sandwich Priest
Woah my tagline finally changed!
No longer active, but thanks for the comments :)
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
change your tagline
thanks to my new fans busy w/ school at moment
change your tagline
I'll be back after a few problems are sorted out.
Change your own tagline, jerk!
change your tagline
Care For The Poor
lml (>,.,<) lml
Darkmatter Forge - Universes from infinity
Our taglines are flat-packed for easy shipping!
Nostalgia's a funny thing
I can't connect to spore:(.
Some Assembly Required
In need of an active vehicle Forum
What?...No...Who?..... AH!
I am Thobewill
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
Now addicted to Kerbal Space Program!
good to see some of my old buddies creating!
got better things to do
going to EDC
Still Working!
I still check up on you guys! :P
Use my creations in GA
I make the undefeatable defeatable!
Welcome to the Sporenaissance!
Away, dear Molly
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
Always tell me the odds... so I can cut you off.
Determination of the strong...
Change your tagline? :o
Where did he go?
Always keep creating
Keep contact on discord : Dyede#6881
Okay, who lit my underwear on fire??
When God gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD!
back-ish, at least for the moment. busy soon.