FeralGrin's 45 BUDDIES:
Check out our creations!
I'll be back after 9th February!
Need More DNA!
Welcome to my twisted world
Detail is my business.
Be fooled by reverse psychology.
On a break from Spore.
From the ashes of old I rise again...
Demented but Determined
Back for the creativity boost
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Creator of Fine Nightmares & Exotic Wild Aliens!
Plant and Marine editors would be nice.
I haz antenna, but don't you grab it. >_<
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
Compositions by a deranged mind
Why do feet smell and noses run?
Bring unthinkable horrors into your home today!
feel free to use any of my creations. Honored.
Moved on, may return for expac
change your tagline
Galaxy Blender Machine!
Can't find my creativity. Check back later.
I'm back!
Xenological Realism
I still check up on you guys! :P
Right now I'm focusing on fragging this game.
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
The flame of the Universe.
If you like our work please Rate&Comment on them
Hoping to have more time to Spore soon