монстрN1's 98 BUDDIES:
I have the Beta version DarkSpore.
Кто-то любит крыс, а кто-то их боится :-)
I don't want to survive! I wanna live!
Creations from sheffield
Creativity has never seen a level this high!
Ум не терпит неволи.
change your tagline
Creative crisis...
Forever? That's relative.
Have a Coke and a Smile!
In Russia with love! https://spore-cr.ucoz.com
Change your tagline, cure sophistic-corrupted mind
Я возраждаюсь =D
Please use any of my creations if you wish
You are welcome to use my props in your adventures
Фиг вам, а не цитата!))))
Thou shalt see mine stuff, or thee life shalt end.
Klaatu barada nikto
Дедушка Лео следит за вами...
flying low underneath the radar
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Добавляйте меня на PSN: PhantomRUS9
Сменила имя, да
трус не играет в SPORE
i cant play D: 'crying'
One spoffit, two spoffits... Damn. Three groxes.
Life could be simple...
Fear me! I have returned
having technical difficulties! Be back soon!
Back in 2018
Я Спорий и я покорю галактики!
Такая подпись подойдёт?
A creator's work is never done!
Pucker up, buttercup.
Back today, Gone the Next...
good to see some of my old buddies creating!
Contemplating re-buying spore...
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
10 Years of Quackenstein
change your tagline
glitches in my mind
Your local reef specialist!
Талант-единственная новость, которая всегда нова.
я амир
Всегда и я и Гарфилд обжоры.