superskittle's 476 BUDDIES:
Returning to make my Epic adventure series!
Gar Har Lar!
Am I Confusing You Right Now?
Leaving the community next year. Had a great time!
Because "Fiveoclock" was already taken...
Deaviant Art: sarahboebarah
I'm not afraid of anything!
For Goron!
Left Spore
Away for a bit, but I'll be back! :)
2-21-2018 I am dreadfully sorry. .
Have a great week
I'm afraid to start up the game... downloads...
Spore: mass mediocrity/rare talent
I eat the cake even though its a lie. ☺
never again
Pissin blimey! Theres jam coming outta the walls!
getting back into the swing of things
- the beast master
Update: Coming Back...
new creations now at my youtube page
Dragon Ball rockz!!!!!!!
Grey would be the color...if I had a heart...
change your tagline
gojira 4ever!
I am AuraNovus' sister. So there.
Check out the Excalibur story on BTN!
The Arcane Angel
-retired- B.O.2 master prestige
I don't do much around here....
this game dead son!!!!
Rhedivivus#0920 on discord
wake me, when you need me.
I am no writer, but I will do my best :)
At WildWarriorCat I live on...
sometimes, the smallest last longest
Can't get rid of me THAT easily
All people if you want my creatons comment on scor
Almost 100 subs, thank you very much people! ^o^
I have almost definalately maybe quit this time.
my dog casey!!!
Not going to play Spore anymore, sorry.
Like... Cows, Man...
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
Please see my other profile, CelenaReborn.
Do or Do Not, There is No Try
Sorry I've been busy, people!
random lati's
hdswyddgdwjdsdws.... kthbai
Are you chicken enough?
Kill to eat, eat to live, live to kill
Be fooled by reverse psychology.
well spore is fixed now :O
On a break from Spore.
change your taglinehttp://www.facebook.com/profile
/v/ dweller
DA: Pyroraptor42 Tumblr: ElEspermatozoideMesozoico
Constants and Variables.
Bruno Mars = Embodiment of talent & music. ♥
Tagline out of order. Subscribe for more info.
Arguing With myself and losing!
i dislike moldy carpet smell
wow thi s is the worst
change your tagline
is Absolute
The best since 1995!
On a new account. Type in xXMLGamerXx in the bar.
Prehistory in the making!
brain is on a break from spore
All hail Darkness
sadly i am a brony cos i luv rainbow dash
My creations aren't that bad.....are they?
Deviant Art: DawnOfTheTigress
Purveyor of beautiful abominations.
Can't run Spore. Probably out for good :/
Finally back~
iz craptastic
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
9 × 46.0 cm (18.1 in)
change your tagline
Illars demand a sacrifice.
Volviendo a spore
I need more subs, plz :{
I'M BACK!!.....Where'd everyone go?
Maybe we'll meet again. It was fun, but I'm out.
bringing sexy back
spore in 2023! even realer
Never say never.
Predicting the new starters years ago
...if you're not into the whole brevity thing...
Just approved comments dating back to 2011. MIAa
I lost my Spore activation code. Where is it?
my name isn't even ethan lol ?? POOL#6454
if you don't have an awnser, shoot it
The Most Interesting Man in the World.
Now creating under a NEW name!! HAHA :D
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
Does anyone even play this anymore?
Wow...Not many people on spore lately...
Prepare the Food Rocket - Al Gore
❤ ! 私は武士の愛❤ ~(•ε • ~)
Attempting to care about your problems...
Who watches Billy The Exterminator?
Why rock? why not blues? -Omega Xis
Razzimatazzi's alt account for creepypastas. Enjoy
I NEVER DOWNRATE check my sporecasts out ty:)
Back for the creativity boost
Changed accounts! User: Naegi
Can't change my profile pic.
Is back on Spore making new and improve creations!
change your tagline
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Two trouble makers with nothing to do.....
Of studing Hobology
Im leaving spore
Does anyone still play? Thinking of reinstalling
Busy wit not spore lol
Married with Seven Toads
So what if LC is FFX? Shut up and forgive her.
Creating without C&C and will continue so!
The best creations come once you run out of ideas.
Mostly on DA these days
Prepare for the eeveelution
I throw my labtop in the air sometimes! MY B-DAY!
Sorry I haven't been on, busy week
Leaving Spore.
Location: www.gtsplus.net
Getting Bored of Spore
hi there :)
add me on x box 360 Led Head17
._. Wow... The Site is still up... Its been long
We're currently not very active on Spore, sorry.
My brother is DreamWarrior!!!
Comments Appreciated!
YOSHchange your tagline
Cryogen Cyber Rat
It's been so long...
It was a good run, I must say.
Hello and welcome
Quizical Creations
Flare Scaple is cool nice
rip in peace spore
No longer playing
Can't wait for some free time to really get back
*Approve all comments* g'bye everyone
Started a new account.
lols my cach prase
Live life, love life, share life, be life.
new account: MEGAVKNG2812 :l
@WaveBomber on Twitter
rejection is like thorns it makes you bleed inside
Grandmaster of delusion and confusion! ..or not?
I moved to a new account, but I'm not telling whom
And, like a phantom, I am gone once more...
Жить, дышать и верить
I hope someday Spore becomes popular again...
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
back again?
two years away from spore...
umop ǝpıs dn
Ex-creator. Never featured.
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
ize gone...
please, feel free to modify anything I make :D
I like to make my creations very colorful.
Yoinky Sploinky: Shlorpo Freeway
I'm on and off, I don't care!!!!!!!!!!
srry i havent been on :U
check out more of my creaturs from ganso's SC
It was fun now I'm done
I have an obsession with dogs .-.
I'm a poet and i didn't even know it!
changed the tagline
Make a Spore 2 and I'll consider coming back ;)
HEY! I moved to StinaTheFluffy.
hard work pays off later, laziness pays off right
We strike with the lightning.
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Why can't I just eat my waffle?
Feel free to use my stuff in GA...
obie trice all the wayy
Join the Expedition! https://discord.gg/tFYWT33jGH
Insanity is like gravity; all it needs is a push.
I finished my book. and it's HALARIOUS
Blurry sprite made of self is blurry in spore XD
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
Big Boys Gotta Eat!!!
Yes I am a goody goody
Wow it's been a while!
See you in Spore 2, lol
Exploring the infinite
this is my amazing tagline.
nostalgia trippin'
Back baby!!
Deviantart: http://kieraux.deviantart.com
Ready to create
My home is where the stars align: the Subspace
a bit out of practice
Know your enemies like friends.
peecos are the rulers of the universe!
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.
They're watching
Please take care.
too many bad creations. go to Pikmin101.
chiramii my fav pokemon! <(^^)>
taking a break, playing destiny
My Spore won't run on this comp, getting new one.
Inactive due to Spore issues
<-- abstract art! XD
Deus pascit corvos
Jack of all trades master of none
change your tagline
The animater
Good bye, I might start over
The_cosmos_light is my new profile! Goodbye!
waddahell..... ...bulnosaur
I love The Smiler<3
change your tagline
Animal style
Comment on me and i'll comment on you! :)
Back in 2018
I'm too sexy for these leggings ;P
I aim to misbehave !
My goals:Become ninja,become best tricycle racer!
You're not my mother! You are a SNORT!
Oh look, I'm not ded.
The imagination is an endless sea of ideas!
Creations should look good & function in game!
An Epic Of Epic Epicness.
Flood will come back.but wont speak that much
I am the darkness of ur heart..
my new account is CresentDragon95
great looks and stats that's what I look for !
Add me on Miiverse!: ShadowRaptor101/Luther :P
Spore rules, period.
Good Lord it's been too long. xD
I'll watch over you! ;3
Coming soon: Xenoplanet Ytterb-3
Not coming back
Sephiroth: "Who made me a teenager!?"
Taking a break from Spore
Is it just me, or does that look really dangerous?
change your tagline
Probaly leaving, AGAIN.
Deviant Art (DiviousCreator9000) please watch me!
I made a new account so please don't comment here
Just got my computer fixed! .O.
Fly out and start create!
(insert tagline here: _______)
No longer play Spore. Working hard now.
visit me here plz http://nadalgo.deviantart.com/
im now codyakatsuki on kongregate
Space the final Frontier we will get there one day
el buito es varía y porque tiene mucho queso
Why do you bite the hand that feeds you?
change your tagline
Be My Friend! I Love Friends!
warframe is consuming my life help
Sporeland or Bust
Pwnium Explodite
Feel free to rate, subscribe, and use my creations
add me on discord TurtlesSoup#7154
change your tagline
So I heard you like Mudkips.
change your tagline
Hello spore!!
Fear the Dwagin
I can't connect to spore:(.
more back then before!
Have a problem with AWESOMENESS?
This is madness! No, this is my profile!
its a time to celabrate VIGOUROUS PANCAKE
I'm back:)
I'M MMR100896! I thank you for playing the game.
Excuse me while I upload 3 years of unseen content
Disturbingly flimsy
Refinding this game--bear with me a moment
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
Kiroma#4618 on disc, @kiromathedog anywhere else
cybertriobite on youtube
Now addicted to Kerbal Space Program!
What is the Tuna Matrix?
BLAH! <3
Caught up with work & WOW. :)
Talent?? Who needs Talent?? I've got SPORE!!!
Howdy hOWDY howdee!
Can I have your eyes?
Something wicked this way comes.
My DA- mechformer93.deviantart.com
*Spinning in circles*
just dead on chi long qua's screen
Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh Boooooiiiiii
Wii are awesome!!!
My username is the same on Wii U!
I'm out. See ya!
Srry I hasn't been on.. :D Still luv ya thou!
Where did he go?
PIE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just hope my brother PLAYS Spore...
It is said that is not dead which can eternal lie.
This was a mistake
Join the UXS
trying to return....
Your local reef specialist!
(◡‿◡✿) EA pls fix the login issues
Cant create, but still alive and well.
change your tagline