shinyraquaza's 64 BUDDIES:
My positive comment usually includes a rating :)
Its not how big you are, its how fast you are.
Downrating doesn't increase your creator skills :)
- the beast master
Rebecca1208's Prop Persona
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
Retired? For now...
Please see my other profile, CelenaReborn.
change your tagline
Let's keep the spore community going
i can't believe this game still exists
I really wish that a tagline could be a lot longe
Ack, this needs more fire!
Still alive and creating every now and then..
So long, and thanks for all the fish (retired)
Check out my instagram @ Livamoah
He/They "Gethoce" on other websites!
Mostly on DA these days
I'm back!!!
People are still visiting my grave?
Sanity is overrated.
Dreaming is better than live in lies
Find me on Deviantart.com // Kanonu
@WaveBomber on Twitter
can't rate for some reason
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
changed the tagline
Deviantart: http://kieraux.deviantart.com
Away till at least August
new account: Bamfasaurus :)
...Happy new year.
we make the terror
Youtube = Seshidao
Probably wont be on regularly but who knows 😎
I come and go like the tide / Stuff is free4use
Been away for so long...Should I return soon?
not gonna come back.. probably
The Deep Fire burns ever on!
offline for now
Add me on Steam: Therizinoios
Moved to Twarda8; got another SPORE (@Twarda8)
Caught up with work & WOW. :)
BACK IN 2017!?!?!
change your tagline
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
moved to deviantart~ xxwolfendragonxx
Feel free to use my creations for whatever.
Has left his mark on the community.