mrbobo41's 534 BUDDIES:
Taking a break. Will be back soon.
It's not what you think it is.
Qlimax 2009 modernwarfare 2 YEAHHHH
Graybeard Halt does't comb his hair!
The strange things in my mind...
Imagination Station
I am a spore man I build the life !!
There're no stupid creations, just stupid creators
Where is your God now?
Happily got back into my account
change your tagline
i have quit spore due to strawberrymellons
I'm sorry i was gone for so long.
Spore frontier coming soon :D
The McElroy Brothers brought me back
One man on a dead world
Pasta lavista baby
My brain is melting and it smells like a volcano
Subscribe, Comment, and Recreate
got a contest thing im happy to join
darkrness will win eny war
Don't take the Salt Flats Trail
I need a new tagline
bringing sexy back
Can't create right now because my game is broken
Hello everyone ;)
If you like my creations please add me ;-) thx^^
Just approved comments dating back to 2011. MIAa
R U ready for Randomness?!?!
Spore is amazing.
If you want any patatoe chips, they are mine! :I
achievement hunting in progress...
Spore 2 needs to be made. Spore is dead.
Has left the Building..
I'm back!! :)
Finally back on Spore...new adventure on the way!
create veicoli militari,SEMPRE!
Found my GA disk! (in its box......)
Back for the creativity boost
Don't get mad, get even
More SPORE realism, please
Press button, recieve bacon
SSSPUDZ ohmahLAWRDY this icon iz owld
lets get our adventure on!
Busy wit not spore lol
Paine is awesome and she will hurt you
change your tagline
been away for a while making new account
One big Galaxy full of magic...
Is anybody out there?
A million and two cookies... Got milk?
Welcome to your doom
dit is aaron (v) 2 hij is minder lelijk
change your tagline
@WaveBomber on Twitter
im moved to 95Luther check my creations AMAZING
Known as Aximili on PlanetMinecraft!
Not nearly as active as I used to be.
also check out mothercat on myspace
Will be back to creatin' soon :)
It's been fun
Deviantart: http://kieraux.deviantart.com
They're watching
change your tagline
*distant breathing*
My Spore won't run on this comp, getting new one.
Currently recreating Gielinor in Six Days.
Alt account: UmbreonRacie
Happy Bungie day!
I'm RED and I'm WILD
sporebots messed up my game cant play
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
My new account is Brokenstring!
Human=dummest creature on Earth
I'm hardly online anymore :(
offline since the 5th october 2010
away for a bit ... excuse me!!
What's this? Spore? *Blows off dust*
Spino, Raptors, JPOG, my favorite things.
Making what I make best.
It ain't freaky if it ain't Tiki.
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
Moved to Twarda8; got another SPORE (@Twarda8)
going to EDC
Nothing is true. Everything is permited.
I'm around...
I'm the false prophet.
I make mediocrity look good.
New Account NeoVultrio
my world is small again...
Spore = Awsome
spore is da best
change your tagline
Someone keeps rating my creatures down
"Oh, my stars and comets! HE'S A SHE!"
Something wicked this way comes.
Away, dear Molly
My Dragon of War is here and ready to fight!
knowledge is power, guard it well
Got bored with all the lag... Be back someday
i'm a little teapot short and stout
My DA- mechformer93.deviantart.com
Welcome to the jungle! We've got fun and games!
jag älskar spore
Back in business!
everything is posible!
change your tagline
Color is Life and LIfe is Color. (Shaman)
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
My new profile: spore.com/view/myspore/Werbot
having trouble with my spore page format is broken
just dead on chi long qua's screen
50 eyes, 90 ears, 40 limbs, Whatam1?
my new account is 19Oblivion91
Always tell me the odds... so I can cut you off.
Wii are awesome!!!
Youre Whats For Dinner
Tag your it!
The flame of the Universe.
[please insert a cool tagline here]
all my crazy little creatures
Change da world, my final message. Goodbye
Overlord of the Spindelcore-Galaxy
Hellow all ye spore fans and have a great time
My username is the same on Wii U!
I'm out. See ya!
a spore addict for life.
Hey there ;)
wilk jest...wolf hehe
10 Years of Quackenstein
Hello old friends
~Specto Subitus~
Where did he go?
Bring the abstract to your home world today
Back.....Dont expect much from me tho
I come back, and begin to make more buildings!!
I'm quiting spore sorry everybody!
You have to be crazy to stay sane, and I am.
Perhaps... One day...
My stuff isn't perfect, but at least it's personal
Creator of things, explorer of strange new worlds.
change your tagline
I do..... Stuff.
what is this game even
Hey *high fives*
Comment and Rate Or else kittens will explode.
Just hope my brother PLAYS Spore...
Always keep creating
hi, for no reason.
I have quit Spore.
hahaha epic retards
>[Project:-{POINT_0} Has Been Initiated.]
If Spore was icecream, I'd be the sprinkles ;-)
Not creating at the moment. Not dead, though.
Please deposit your soul when you leave.
I'm still alive -2018
The third one.
Is back baby!
Werderfan2012 is the ULTAMITE spore creater!
Thanks for another feature Maxis!!!
Gamingsteve, Cythil
Short, armless, no depth perception. Life is hard.
This was a mistake
change your tagline
No matter where you go, there you are.
Sunny dance!
I have an INT of 6, I think I know what I'm doing.
Simple designs, outstanding results.
change your tagline
'Optimization hinders evolution'
Off of spore...
change your tagline
I'm just this guy, you know?
He's got a magnet!!!!! Everybody BACKUP!!!!!!
original creator of Ioanak and Redeya
Question: What kind of God are YOU?
I have the most greatest Ideas ever right now...
back-ish, at least for the moment. busy soon.
I'm so bad lol
change your tagline
trying to return....
Your local reef specialist!
i did it for the lolz
change your tagline
Am inactive waiting for another computer
Has left his mark on the community.
Cogito ergo Spore.
"Bleep gloop"," said a spokesman.
The universe ends here ✖ ゼツボウ 忍者 ✖
Unbound and Unleashed, Underground By Design
(◡‿◡✿) EA pls fix the login issues
Pretty Fireworks!!!
My youtube channel is NulfastuEarthbound
Your guide to the Galaxy
Bitter and ornery
"what is this concept of limits?"(Matt from C.T.E)
No One Is Safe
coming back to Spore soon!
Check out my Youtube!
Back from the dead... again...
Hoping to have more time to Spore soon
wants a brutal legend squel...
Jesus Rules
Feel free to use my creations in GA.
Striving to Create Something Better!
knowledge is limited, Imagination isn't
Currently Absent
Please check out my Female Quarian. Thanks.
dragons rock the wrld
Cant create, but still alive and well.