kpmoongirl's 71 BUDDIES:
Try out my most popular adventure spore pac-man!
YO soy dios, TU no eres NADIE
*Benster, The One And Only.*
Thank you for your comments. Mailbox in sporecast.
Beam me up, Scotty....!!!!
The Destruction of Hell
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
OMG i cant change my avatar pic grrr
lets get our adventure on!
Location: www.gtsplus.net
It's been so long...
My thumb only goes up!
Why do feet smell and noses run?
Give page back, remove Add --->
It's Mad, Mad Donkey Insanity
Spore still doesn't work for me after reinstall :/
The UFO's are here!! Again!!
I can Believable.
The game is a life, my life is a game.
Banned in the USA
change your tagline
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
I can't connect to spore:(.
Im not on spore so much anymore...sorry
Nothing Lasts Forever
A morte da pequena anta Linda Fluffy
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
the firstborn