karakiller24's 63 BUDDIES:
demon game more important than spore 😔😔😔😔😔😔
I live i guess 8/18/2018
Going away for a while.
Instagram - alia.dtx January 2020
Keep on creating.
Is currently on this alt account: Ash_thunder_8375
Unleash Your Inner Fury.
My brain is melting and it smells like a volcano
sadly i am a brony cos i luv rainbow dash
I've switched to my alt Revodar. Look me up there!
Prepare for excitement!
i can't believe this game still exists
complete jerk right here fool! and im proud!!
What was wrong with me
On Skype and Minecraft, not spore.
Ascension Hub: https://discord.gg/nUty56dMuZ
The universe awaits . . .
Has left for good
Making a Come Back
My twitter: @BitikoferAustin
considering coming back... yes? no? maybe so?
you never fail to... impress me.
sry guys no longer an active account
Still creating! ^^
moved to Rorexx
Spore is glitching out again, but I'm back!
Currently inactive
Jack of all trades master of none
so yeah, i've been asleep for centuries
Moved to Stormybird! This Acc is now an alt!
Still going to be gone for a while
Stranger things have happened...
I has returned!
Even in the darkest shadow a light will shine
The Self Proclaimed Lord of Asymmetry
SO BORED! logging off now
Got a computer, but it's for school. :(
Im not on spore so much anymore...sorry
Never watch Corpse-Party without tissues.
Your idiot is in another forum
Dark injections who? I’ve never heard of her.
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