jobothegreat's 77 BUDDIES:
tag your changeline
I'll be out of commission for awhile again
I don't do much around here....
Who changed the year without my permission? >:(
Everything free use . . .
Can't get rid of me THAT easily
BrokenEyeReborn Bonus Content
[vaguely troubling non-sequitur]
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
I have DA: http://myrmoorzai.deviantart.com/
is Absolute
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
EA needs a download manager for Mac OS. I'm stuck.
...Like tears, in rain.
change your tagline
I am deaded.
The penguin god of Spore
Has left the Building..
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
Changed accounts! User: Naegi
Where Inventive Delusion meets Insane Creativity
try to be unique with your creation
what lies beyond the universe
Retired from Spore. Feel free to use my stuff!
Now introducing the new SR-01 Bolt!!
Emporium of platypus creatures
My name is Legion: for we are many.
New Year, Still the Old, Very Slow Me!
I unloaded Spore soo ya. :P
a bit out of practice
1,465 subbed; http://www.twitch.tv/sporepat1196
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it.
taking a break, playing destiny
Busy -> schoolses and league
Deus pascit corvos
Ha! You looked at my caption! MwueheheheAHAHA!
Creations and adventures coming whenever
Hosting the SPOSCARS in the adventure section!
Talk to me at my mail box called Mail Call(left)
Dream through my eyes.
Welcome to the Dark Side...We have cookies!!
I'm addicted to DC Universe Online...
Sic orbis terrarum, in clam.
Add me on Miiverse!: ShadowRaptor101/Luther :P
Believe me, I'm still here
Now known as TheAWKLORD, check out for new stuff!
So long, and thanks for all the Sporelings!
Caremoe Vs. The Galaxy
Welcome to my idea factory.
Changed accounts! User: Naegi
Not quite sure what to write here.
I'm doing science and I'm still alive
I may return soon... Bwahahaha
Emperor of the Delpha Coalition of Planets!
Never stop creating