dinosaur01's 58 BUDDIES:
Lost all my spore files -___-
Leader of the SDF"Spore Defence Force"
Hard setting is the only setting.
"Pokemonkab ruined the Revolutionverse" - williezk
Is currently using another account.
On another profile.
Back for the creativity boost
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
A universe of my own creatures!
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Not done enough apparently
play my a spore adventure adventure
Stop commenting. i left forever. ~Ovi
Youtube = Seshidao
My current profile is Primo3001
Getting more creative 1 creature at a time
Welcome To The Fucklng Graveyard. Bltch..
anything you can imagine is out there ,- somewhere
change your tagline