crazyjackaljones's 106 BUDDIES:
If modify my creations,reference my nick plz ;)
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
I'll be back after 9th February!
Maybe I'll get tired of tentacles... someday...
Magister Mundi sum!
The only limit is imagination...
Monster Manual
And i saw that it was good...
change your tagline
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
Kinda hot in these rhinooos. -Ace Ventura
Purveyor of beautiful abominations.
From the ashes of old I rise again...
Illars demand a sacrifice.
All the Realms and Worlds...
Done with Spore. Bye all.
Learn From Others
Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Back and ready to make more weirdness.
This space intentionally left blank.
Insert witty remark.
Back for the creativity boost
Featured Shmeetured
I'm Back BABIEZ!
Spored not bored
-RWS- Yes, I am a chick. :)
So many tasty creatures, so little seasoning...
Make em from scratch.Give credit for other's work.
Mother Nature, meet absinthe.
Its kenny!! WAAH!
Creator of the Playable Buddylist Project
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
Look HERE, steak head
Very very busy...I'm so sorry.
done with spore, feel free to use my creatures
Bring unthinkable horrors into your home today!
The building block of life is simple, life is not.
Spore still doesn't work for me after reinstall :/
Join the dark side... and get a free cookie.
Sorry for no recent updates
Swarm tactics.
Living in my own little world; You're invited
Still away from Spore.
Punishment is its own reward...
SaNiTy Is OvErRaTeD
Feature me now! :P
Creating user-generated content since 2008
look into my eyes...
Question: What kind of God are YOU?
Hoping to have more time to Spore soon