bradley30's 357 BUDDIES:
Long dead.
I'm gone Guys!
Enjoying Spore.
Spore is dead :(
Kinda gone.
Still checking comments
please! help! my comp is working! answer me!!!!!!
its me 94doggylover!
Taking a break.
Please read my latest creation!
moved to account Morei
bingo bogno
Instagram - alia.dtx January 2020
if any of you guys are online please answer
Oh, hey.
From part you came, To PNG you shall go
Can find me as @Batpikah
Words go here
Please find me on Deviantart: Arceusrules98
Find me... at WildWarriorCat.
join the Soulek empire and we'll deffet the grox
I don't do much around here....
Mostly on DeviantART. Username: DarkMist119
Sporehalla Discord https://discord.gg/w4Ewzgm
this is karmolaro he says nothing
My name is Shane, I am with Thrive!
I have been afk awhile, hasn't I been?
Everything's better with Lokis!
MoodyLittleZephyr#0117 discord
Is depressed for this dead game...
I do boss battle request so please ask :)
At WildWarriorCat I live on...
Im Back, also>> Deviantart: Brettenator
Try finding me somewhere in Pokémon X/Y.
happy birthday!!
Hard setting is the only setting.
Ugh, Sorry about being offline. Portfolio work. Dx
I will be offline for a LONG LONG time.
OK I swear this is getting a bit weird
Better off alone
computer want let me play any more.
Little Frenchy (=
The only reason you need... is fun ^ 3^
guess whos back
Very busy at school. I'll be back soon.
le epic bazinga
Just takin a little break from spore
Back on Spore!!!
Aliens made here.
Gaah! I make too many orange color schemes...
I have DA: http://myrmoorzai.deviantart.com/
change your tagline
I love Semerone's stuff!
bees are real cool
"Creativity can lead to some great achievements"
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
sadly i am a brony cos i luv rainbow dash
My active acount is Alien_lover2704
In cyberspace, no-one can hear you scream.
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
Feels weird to be back on Spore
Every great invention needs proper inspiration.
i can't believe this game still exists
The Insane One
this game is so dead.
I believe in dragons!
Yeah well I'm kind of dead lol
What Tagline??
Beware the mighty mechtratos! Seriously.
Jakster is my husband and we watch tv all night
Can't create right now because my game is broken
Goodbye forever. :(
On Skype and Minecraft, not spore.
Alle Dateien verloren => ragequitt -.-´
The universe awaits . . .
"South American Alpaca"
Contest For Points No.4 underway!
Happy new year!
quitting spore once i get to 6,969 creations
It's a-me... Emily!
The Technological Terror
dank memes
Hello World!
Spore is dead people
Hi! I'm new to Spore! Please add me as a buddy!
Make Alien adventures with my creations!
I love warrior cats
New account: BunkerChunk. fishboy102 has ended!
The laws of physics bend but never brake
Is spore dead already...?
Occasionally posting creations
Noodles is here!
I'm winning, I got Tigerblood!!!!!
This is Professor eating a pea. GO AWAY!
Will probably not be back till summer. Sry.
Coming back from 2010!
On another profile.
searching for that creative spark again...
3DS FC: 2750-1585-2234
Alive and well....I will be back
The Creator of the galaxy.
Still approving and replying messages. But i died.
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
My twitter: @BitikoferAustin
I dream reality is my dream
I'm back but I don't know if anyone else is on
So what if LC is FFX? Shut up and forgive her.
Well My Crowbar Doesn't Care
We all go the same way home
I <3 Trolls
I love Spore.
Beware for Jonped99... Or else U don't get cake
Moved http://www.spore.com/view/myspore/tektyx
Having troubles with spore.
kind of back???? sort of????
use my stuff as you please
Hui :3
I will have to unsubscribe everyone temporarily.
rip in peace spore
Who knows
EXTREMELY BUSY! But will get on occasionally.
Sharples and Propaganda are not trolls/nubs
Midnight Beasts is coming on well.
sry guys no longer an active account
May the odds be ever in your favour
Lord by your side. EAW & Sporenaissance!
good afternoon girl i am under the water
Too busy playing Zelda, BRB in a few years
Grandmaster of delusion and confusion! ..or not?
Surviving is easy, living is the hardest.
so long and thanks for all the fish
New account: RandomguyfromDK
Computer broke... Won't be on :( sorry guys
Can't get on to spore, Hope to be back soon!
Just wake me up when September ends
On and off just leave a comment. I will get to it.
change your tagline
Skype: Darius4464 (meekotaadl@gmail.com)
ACCOUNT VACANT - go to Rainmask (1/29/16)
There is a creativity spark you just need to find
Known as Aximili on PlanetMinecraft!
busy with school for a while, sorry!
I am all I am...
I'm awesome.
New laptop doesn't like spore
Just came back after manyyy years. Relearning stuf
i am fireblast
Nothing fun happening lately...
May or may not be active once again. We'll see.
Subscribe please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nostalgia. I feel old too.
is offline because spore dvd is lost
moved to Rorexx
You're not the big fish in the pond anymore, mate.
Moved to my old account: Dekerrex
No longer has Spore, but still answers comments
Life is what you make it, so make it worth ur time
Stop commenting. i left forever. ~Ovi
I, sadly, declare this game dead
Now operating as Lord_Charleston!
I am someone... AM I??? AAAAHH!
Yeah! Pokemon in Spore!
Role Players can't be stopped!!!
You need wisdom for a life of power and courage.
tumblr; vaniilaxs
I have a new account: NeonTsunami sub it!
NEW ACCOUNT: CraftySquidz
Please, let's have peace on Spore in 2012 and on!
Find me on Steam. I have the same name there.
Check for more creations on the account, Skylawolf
Still alive
Miss me? ig @rapterswing
good bye spore we had a good run ;)
Youtube = Seshidao
. . .and you were Born This Way, baby!
change your tagline
Currently doing a research essay on Spore!
Probably wont be on regularly but who knows 😎
= Back On Spore ^^
Hello, agian.
I feel so sentimental looking back here again.
A Gleek :3
Flumpman2321's alt account
Spore has failed us. Gone until further notice.
Not as active
Beyond "Page 2" of my creations are shameful...
I just miss the old times. Peace out~
Beating up a dragon while wearing yoga pants...?
Left Spore. Socksarepurple on DeviantArt!
Stranger things have happened...
Deviant Art (DiviousCreator9000) please watch me!
New account called Sparkdragon168!
Moving--may or may not come back.
Nuclear Strange...Comment me to find out it is!
I has returned!
Bigfoot Real or Fake
Even in the darkest shadow a light will shine
Space the final Frontier we will get there one day
I am now BACK!!!
Checked in on 7/19/14. Thanks for the comments!
Behold, the resurrection of the master race!
Making Music on Youtube
Got a computer, but it's for school. :(
So I'm back, sorta, kinda, maybe, I dunno. ._.
"You Gon Get Got!"
WildWarriorCat... my last stand.
Silver and Cheebi Rule!!!
Check out my Alt "Velanc"
I'm not dead yet
I might be retiring Spore . . .
I am also still on bradley30. :) (I'm bradley30).
Behold the cringe content in my comment section
Good bye spore!!!
Feliz navidad :3
everybody quit this place
Back and having fune
All this highschool work...
Why, why are you still here? It's OVER.
Rag roar Rangeline...
This pie is pie flavor
Nothing is true, everything is permitted
I am back, after another long absence
New to spore...
my creations are free to use uwu
I'm still here under a different name.
Taking a Break! :) ☺☺☺☺☺
Sorry I haven't been active for a while :(
Friend me on Steam! Im TheHipsterFrog!
On twitter at Jetbytes
You e
Zero on mission: Being a hero
Around and around...
I had been add a new spore id,it called “Nero2563”