bradley30's 357 BUDDIES:
I'm gone Guys!
Enjoying Spore.
Spore is dead :(
Still checking comments
please! help! my comp is working! answer me!!!!!!
Taking a break.
bingo bogno
if any of you guys are online please answer
From part you came, To PNG you shall go
Words go here
Please find me on Deviantart: Arceusrules98
My name is Shane, I am with Thrive!
I have been afk awhile, hasn't I been?
Everything's better with Lokis!
I do boss battle request so please ask :)
computer want let me play any more.
Little Frenchy (=
The only reason you need... is fun ^ 3^
guess whos back
Very busy at school. I'll be back soon.
Just takin a little break from spore
Aliens made here.
I love Semerone's stuff!
My active acount is Alien_lover2704
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
Feels weird to be back on Spore
Every great invention needs proper inspiration.
What Tagline??
Beware the mighty mechtratos! Seriously.
Goodbye forever. :(
"South American Alpaca"
dank memes
Make Alien adventures with my creations!
I love warrior cats
New account: BunkerChunk. fishboy102 has ended!
The laws of physics bend but never brake
I'm winning, I got Tigerblood!!!!!
Will probably not be back till summer. Sry.
Coming back from 2010!
searching for that creative spark again...
3DS FC: 2750-1585-2234
The Creator of the galaxy.
Still approving and replying messages. But i died.
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
I dream reality is my dream
Having troubles with spore.
use my stuff as you please
I will have to unsubscribe everyone temporarily.
EXTREMELY BUSY! But will get on occasionally.
Sharples and Propaganda are not trolls/nubs
May the odds be ever in your favour
Lord by your side. EAW & Sporenaissance!
Grandmaster of delusion and confusion! ..or not?
New account: RandomguyfromDK
Can't get on to spore, Hope to be back soon!
Just wake me up when September ends
change your tagline
There is a creativity spark you just need to find
Known as Aximili on PlanetMinecraft!
busy with school for a while, sorry!
I am all I am...
Just came back after manyyy years. Relearning stuf
i am fireblast
Nothing fun happening lately...
Subscribe please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is offline because spore dvd is lost
Life is what you make it, so make it worth ur time
Stop commenting. i left forever. ~Ovi
Now operating as Lord_Charleston!
I am someone... AM I??? AAAAHH!
Role Players can't be stopped!!!
Please, let's have peace on Spore in 2012 and on!
Miss me? ig @rapterswing
. . .and you were Born This Way, baby!
change your tagline
= Back On Spore ^^
good bye.
I feel so sentimental looking back here again.
Beyond "Page 2" of my creations are shameful...
Beating up a dragon while wearing yoga pants...?
Stranger things have happened...
New account called Sparkdragon168!
Even in the darkest shadow a light will shine
Space the final Frontier we will get there one day
I am now BACK!!!
"You Gon Get Got!"
I am also still on bradley30. :) (I'm bradley30).
Behold the cringe content in my comment section
Good bye spore!!!
Back and having fune
Why, why are you still here? It's OVER.
I am back, after another long absence
New to spore...
Friend me on Steam! Im TheHipsterFrog!
I had been add a new spore id,it called “Nero2563”