aquablade11's 52 BUDDIES:
I'm back, let's see if I can still create
I have retired.........
Your only limited by how crazy your not
Every Girl Should Have a Unicorn
Omicron Pancakes
Hard setting is the only setting.
H-K-D Anger is a gift
right now: inactive
Bringing creatures to life since 2008
change your tagline
One man on a dead world
is Absolute
I'd rather be a climbing ape than a falling angel
Purveyor of beautiful abominations.
Don't ask why. Ask why not!
Illars demand a sacrifice.
All the Realms and Worlds...
Demented but Determined
Welcome to the jungle
change your tagline
Let me show you my Sporkemans!
GA is broken, but expect creatures occasionally
Domination's the name of the game.
Staying for awhile (As of June 2012)
Sanity is overrated.
One big Galaxy full of magic...
offline for ever
Try to make your stuff look good AND animate good!
Back on Spore, but only making modded creations
I'm just a mean green mother, from outer space!
Done for now.
Playing for fun!
Living in my own little world; You're invited
Creations should look good & function in game!
An entire galaxy in the hands of one spastic herb
Call me when Spore gets patched..
Et l'infini, c'est loin ...
"Life is Weird."
RL keeps me soo busy these days :(
Perfection is a work in progress.
Something wicked this way comes.
Never Knows Best
you really guammed up an enzerg