Wolfloder's 141 BUDDIES:
Somthing,somewhere, went teribly wrong.
- the beast master
change your tagline
Can find me as @Batpikah
Armed trade is the way
The Gamer
Кто-то любит крыс, а кто-то их боится :-)
*Time slipping on galactic medieval era Now*
I'm planning on moving in a different direction.
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
Creations for Play, Subscribe say Hi :)
Orange Mocha Frappachino
Bruno Mars = Embodiment of talent & music. ♥
Not playing Spore anymore
I play adventures in editor mode cause I'm epic
!!!!AfricanGreymon!!!! XD
Creativity is a form of Madness...
Now I play Minecraft... Sorry? <:)
Yeah well I'm kind of dead lol
here for complete randomness :D
Quitting permanently. Please delete my stuff, bros
I may not be famous, but I'm an incredible creator
Taking the universe
Sitting here planing adventures.
Never trust a fart
Reinstalled, so adventures probably wont' work atm
Busy playing minecraft...and ps3...and school :[
Welcome to VortX (Cars and Space all the way)
If we're not on Dksp then we're on Spore
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
Dragons are awesome^^
DarkInjection mod!!Yahoo!!!!!!!
Still active, believe it or not.
People are still visiting my grave?
Sanity is overrated.
Takin' a break from spore for a while.
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
Won't be on somuch ~off
@WaveBomber on Twitter
Starting a New Era
All comments appreciated
I hope someday Spore becomes popular again...
Don't Worry EXCALlBUR ;) I'll come back soon!
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Make something cool with the Spore API!
Returned from the void.
Aliens Mods Adventure Mp3PlayerLover Naruto Anime
Embrace destruction, for after comes creation.
Get sacked :)
a bit out of practice
1,465 subbed; http://www.twitch.tv/sporepat1196
Maybe I'll create over the weekend... :D
I need ideas!!!PLEASE : (
I nostalgia'd, playing this
Good Bye @ all! I had a great time here! Thanks ^^
Animal style
No Limits! No Creations!
I create whatever I want, whenever I want.
Living in my own little world; You're invited
"I know.I'm not alone.Not anymore."-Cloud Strife
I'm addicted to DC Universe Online...
Peace is a lie; There is only Spore.
More Spore over at shadowraptor101.tumblr.com!
I like Chocolate Milk
Ironischer Sarkast
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
change your tagline
offline for now
Bigfoot...Bigfoot and Ligers.
FUNK COFFIN! chi chi chi chi ow!
Feature me now! :P
Back from the dead.
Abandoned on 1/1/11.
If you enjoy my creations please rate :)
Playing soccer,airsoft,and xbox one. May come back
change your tagline
Howdy hOWDY howdee!
Guess what I just did
Ippen shinde miru?
change your tagline
Always tell me the odds... so I can cut you off.
Where did he go?
offline now
!!Inactive account!!my default account is DomDom97
Has left his mark on the community.