W580i's 76 BUDDIES:
learning vector calc now
Yay! :D
moved to vonkarma
Rodentz Rule
I am secretly an Ocelot
EA stinks.
fresh and low-cal
Hola a todos! soy carasaco
creating for fun :)
'ElementalAndroid' is my new account
Hello Guys, i try to reinstall spore again
Electronic Conrad, anywhere, anytime.
Ethereal maintenance
Give me ideas to create.
Email: leo.t.s@hotmail.com
Yōkai-preternatural creatures in Japanese folklore
I'ts been a loooong time
So what if LC is FFX? Shut up and forgive her.
Location: www.gtsplus.net
Left Spore for... ever.
O melhor possivel estou fazendo
Playing when I have time... meaning not often :(
No tengo un gato,tengo un nargacuga,¡ADULTO!
change your tagline
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
faço o que eu quizer...
Feel free to use my creations for your own needs
It's an old galaxy now. Those who are left...
two years away from spore...
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Make something cool with the Spore API!
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
Spore is my favorite game, I play it all day long,
Been playing since 2008 - Happy little thing :D
So when are you making a sequel to this game?
Conta encerrada
Buscadme en DarkToni_7
Ahora soy Boris, y soy malvado
Only the fuzziset will live.
Hey team-- Am on hiatus. Exams. o.o
Hosting the SPOSCARS in the adventure section!
Is Maxis featuring again? o.O
más aburrido que nunca.
In need of an active vehicle Forum
Kampuna will destroy you. ALL of you.
Feeling COMPLETELY ignored
Visita Caosespacial257.blogspot.com
I swear to drunk I'm not god
LE créateur de la vie !