Rosepeep's 125 BUDDIES:
Taking over the universe one creature at a time...
Realistically Unbelivable! - [MB in Scast]
I'll be back after 9th February!
It's not a mom, phase!
You sir, are the master of plant monsters-Wooflang
*Benster, The One And Only.*
And i saw that it was good...
I hope my sporelings enhance your game
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
''Were Amazing Happens''
Please comment!
Ex-Webmaster of Sporemania.com
Be fruitful and multiply... Your Spore!
Ride The Spiral To The End [Tool Lateralus]
I'd rather be a climbing ape than a falling angel
Visit http://darwinapolis.skyrock.com/
Illars demand a sacrifice.
Still alive and creating every now and then..
Name: Henning / Gender: male / Country: Germany
[spongebob narrator] Five years later.
On temporary hiatus for work.
was cool until you got to know me
The Best Creatures comes from Germany..
Taste my Spore! :P
Demigod of the OddBalls
Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Be patient, I'm learning.
This is how god most feel.
Creating Creatures Just for Fun
Just an another person, who makes creations.
How about a new bloody expansion?
currently playing darkspore
Hello and welcome
Update your tagline today!
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
Worry about tomorrow before you worry about today
Inactive. Sometimes visit the Sporum; look for me.
MIB don't exist but we are watching you. O.O
Yay! Finished school!
Very very busy...I'm so sorry.
Mad because the server won't let C&C creatures on!
Spore crashes on start-up, not reinstalling
Thanks and goodbye to all my buddies.
a bit out of practice
is currently playing Spore on and off.
Awesomeness at its finest
Gone again... unfortunatlely
ewww... it's a bug!
feel free to use any of my creations. Honored.
High Sandwich Priest
You're just another brick in the wall
My new profile is called Metamorphoid! Please sub
AlexVonGore took my common aero
I am Thobewill
twisted Eye
Recently returned after a 4 yr break. (Whew).
Right now I'm focusing on fragging this game.
When life gives you lemons, choke on them and die
Away, dear Molly
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
Not creating at the moment. Not dead, though.
Your local reef specialist!
Hoping to have more time to Spore soon
Жизнь прекрасна!!!
Currently Absent
Please check out my Female Quarian. Thanks.