Jen18101's 41 BUDDIES:
Rating up is good, so rate creations up!
- the beast master
new creations now at my youtube page
Every time someone subs to me a cute thing dies!
3.2 GPA 2 years down 2 more to go.
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
where did everyone go?
Predicting the new starters years ago
Still no CPU, I intend on coming back Miss you all
The universe awaits
If we're not on Dksp then we're on Spore
Live, Love, Laugh and be Happy!!
"unleash to power of creativity"
Dreaming is better than live in lies
♥♥♥Danke für Eure Kommentare !!! ;o)♥♥♥
It's been so long...
@WaveBomber on Twitter
A complete fool
From Russia
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Feel free to use my stuff in GA...
philosophies enable them to rule without regard
Possiblilty is limited to imagination.
May have enough $ for a new computer soon...
Never give up!
Creations should look good & function in game!
my new account is CresentDragon95
Comment me on my other screenname, MaxTheCrook
Moved to Twarda8; got another SPORE (@Twarda8)
Thanks for all the comments :]
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
has like anyone else heard of brokeNCYDE?
Short, armless, no depth perception. Life is hard.
Your local reef specialist!