Ivonne's 186 BUDDIES:
please have a look on my Creations
ich bin nett und mag meine freunde
Legends may sleep but they never die!
On STEAM and PSN with the same Name still alive
Somthing,somewhere, went teribly wrong.
< insert witty tagline here >
- the beast master
Every creation is special.
Bazman, Schöpfer von nebenan.
Forever offline? It could be!
War is stupid, freedom is Nolany!
right now: inactive
Der Gott der Technik und des Lebens ist Allmächtig
Ex-Webmaster of Sporemania.com
begeisterte Häuslebauerin
WUHUUUU Darkspore-Beta :D :D :D
Can't run Spore. Probably out for good :/
Die Grox werden siegen!!
Win 10 and Spore do not quite match...
Santa ordered a new computer for me for Christmas!
Hello Guys, i try to reinstall spore again
Suche einen Übersetzer für "Spore das Abenteuer"!
süchtig nach neuen Kreaturen
DeviantART: SessaV
deviantART: FalakTheWolf
longs for the 2nd Addon
Whats that behind you?
Wer mich net´ kennt, hat wat` verpennt!^^
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
Sry Offline forever my Pc doesn´t work with Spore
Let's make some aliens!
kann keine ga bereitstellen.aber ich bin recht gut
Galaktisch, praktisch, gut!
Channel dead forever
sporefan und pokemonfan
purely a critic these days
Crazy Bored
Use my Creations if you like them
bin im kreativen Loch :(
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Einzugestehen dass man etwas nicht weiß ist Wissen
weiblich, 22 Jahre
bin erst mal nich on
Left Spore for... ever.
add me on x box 360 Led Head17
Check out the new Aylko set!
That's bad
Ewigkeit und Treue für das Regea reich.
One big Galaxy full of magic...
Still alive and kicking :)
♥♥♥Danke für Eure Kommentare !!! ;o)♥♥♥
Hello and welcome
Dead until I get into the hang of bing in college
Enjoy my creations or feel my power! >:3
Grandmaster of delusion and confusion! ..or not?
"Were not alone!"
Spore ist einfach nur geil!
The Master of Galactic Adventures
Tired of being a lab rat? Become a mutant!!!
srry i havent been on :U
change your tagline
Goto monique68
2017 and back once again
Inactive, maybe back some day...
Take a look at my sporecasts and rate them pls. :)
ID means Insane Designs
Busy with SWTOR.
Preaper To Drop!
Heaven Shall Burn!
account closed!!
Check me out on Youtube! Arkhipakh :D
change your tagline
Please, let's have peace on Spore in 2012 and on!
I'm back more or less ^.^
Gonna go for a new profile!
...My second account redockLP...the original..
No Limits! No Creations!
Found disk, litte more aktive now :D
Öhhh Hallu
Come to the dark site! We have cookies!
hallo leute!
Art is for the moment,not for eternity!
The imagination is an endless sea of ideas!
hope you like my beatiful creations, please rate !
Answering comments. Will take a wile ;)
tag your changeline
Anyone can use my creations if credited! :)
My Spore world. Smoeroem is back. Add me.
alles was ich mache wird ein kunstwerk ^^
im now codyakatsuki on kongregate
add me on discord TurtlesSoup#7154
Feature me now! :P
Nieder mit den Downratern!
Spore-Forum.de - Das Austauschportal für Spore
Nothing Lasts Forever
ein Vogel? ein Flugzeug? es ist Elchman
Nur ein totes organisches Subjekt ist ein Gutes
Ippen shinde miru?
change your tagline :D
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
Always tell me the odds... so I can cut you off.
10 Years of Quackenstein