Fellmore's 49 BUDDIES:
the Québec is too good for maxis
When you push the envelope - beware of paper cuts
I really wish I could afford the expansion pack...
If you run across my critters in-game let me know!
I'm back, let's see if I can still create
Buddy-List me to add cool, simple creatures =)
I try to be unique.
DNA! Soup of Creation
Altering reality, one abomination at a time.
Quality before quantity.
Life is better in the editor. See for yerself.
I kick
I hope you enjoy what you see.
Searching for my Gobbledanger.
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you
warcow says: "mooo!"
Not Just Another Pretty Number
For ever and ever in your mind
Even Evolution Has It's Limits.
Please comment or be my buddy
Everyone is entitled to my opinion..
Oh, what has science wrought?
Quality Creations!
Handing out cookies for Bytes since 2005
I will shoop da whoop you with my nipple lazers
My Aliens. Let me show you them.
"See a Need, Fill a Need"
xSpore.com owner.
Just another God in this place