Boppers70's 84 BUDDIES:
My SC: 400 items and 0 Sub! Be the first to sub!!!
I love Escapeism
Also known as TerasHD
Disco Darkon at your parties woooot!
Proof that Evolution Doesn't Presuppose Progress
change your tagline
I'm cousins with Jakerocks01!
The Artist formerly known as ComboNinja.
Yeah... i'm done with spore.
Still alive :)
There, I changed my tagline. You happy.
Saver of Humens
Spore Junkie
Why question the chicken's motive for crossing?
The Engineer
Chyaaah! Excellent!
Major in Industrial Design ... huh ... I wonder
Please feature my creaturs!
*Seagull noises*
"I HAVE THE REAL GROX"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
having technical difficulties! Be back soon!
Anything is possible in this universe.
Ontogeny recapitulates your mom
Definite integrals for the win!
Vegetatious Creations: Fine Creations Since 2008
Making creatures, shaping the universe.
Wii are awesome!!!
Made you look!
Star Wars XD
You have brought upon your own doom.
My Galaxy!!