Paradia's 76 BUDDIES:
Don't Panic!
Away for a bit, but I'll be back! :)
99 quailty building created wait for the 100th
Goodbye, :-(
I'm a gamer ... I have about a thousand lives!
Constructs at once manic-
The world only makes sense when you force it to.
Monstrous Magistrate
The only limit is imagination...
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
All your spore are belong to me!
I'd rather be a climbing ape than a falling angel
Wow. Took forever.
Download this Spoofer >>>> into your game site!
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
change your tagline
change your tagline
where creativity is the norm
Can I have my $ back?
Creature Creator is my way playing as god
Playing when I have time... meaning not often :(
Now leaving reality, please stand by.
Welcome to my little zoo!
New creatures to come!
All art is but imitation of nature
The cure for the common cold. =D
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
Compositions by a deranged mind
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Cool people don't need taglines!
What does the scouter say about his power lvl?
"If you build, it spore will come."
Common sense is no longer common, it's now rare!
is currently playing Spore on and off.
Living in my own little world; You're invited
Casual Popularity Contest Game With Ignored Flaws
Comedy Enthusiast
Trying to execute clean designs well
gone away for a while, thanks for the fun!
HI! Feel free to comment!
Feature me now! :P
For Science!!!
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
Severely Underrated
Who is John Galt?
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy The Zoo.
Probably should get GA...