puma7372's TROPHY CASE

5 Gold Trophy Cups -
1 Silver -
0 Bronze
Anur Khufos by raptor_kid24
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:21.483 seconds - Fri February 10, 2012
Gold trophy - 28.5 % in 03:04.781 minutes - Fri June 7, 2013
The Door Between the Worldſ 2 by BrokenEyeReborn
Gold trophy - 4.7 % in 00:55.529 seconds - Sun June 2, 2013
Imperial Tardis by Tardis33
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:01.690 seconds - Sat March 3, 2012
The Lost World by JadeElf
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:00.529 seconds - Sat August 11, 2012
Ben 10 -The Others by raptor_kid24
Silver trophy - 100 % in 07:05.470 minutes - Mon March 12, 2012