note_blaster's TROPHY CASE

13 Gold Trophy Cups -
7 Silver -
6 Bronze
sim ants in that guys pants by dinorauria
Gold trophy - 33.8 % in 02:11.535 minutes - Sun September 27, 2009
A dinosaur adventure-special by 08nathan123
Gold trophy - 100 % in 03:50.199 minutes - Sat August 8, 2009
Escape Valley Village by ronryan
Gold trophy - 50 % in 06:06.584 minutes - Fri July 24, 2009
Intra-Species War (Part 1) by XxXEcho419
Gold trophy - 12.5 % in 00:35.934 seconds - Tue August 25, 2009
Behind the curtain by Veoline
Gold trophy - 25 % in 05:22.171 minutes - Mon November 16, 2009
Paralizer hero 3 studio by paralyzer hero3
Gold trophy - 100 % in 02:00.552 minutes - Wed October 14, 2009
Spode Defence by paralyzer hero3
Gold trophy - 25 % in 00:53.448 seconds - Wed December 30, 2009
The Scenic Route by XxXEcho419
Gold trophy - 50 % in 03:09.972 minutes - Sun August 9, 2009
Zombie Attack by XxXEcho419
Gold trophy - 53.3 % in 00:28.369 seconds - Wed August 12, 2009
Time to vote by paralyzer hero3
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:30.622 minutes - Sun November 8, 2009
Rise of the Spheres-Vengance by pelicanthor
Gold trophy - 6.2 % in 03:36.625 minutes - Tue February 2, 2010
souls of distruction by 08nathan123
Gold trophy - 100 % in 06:24.487 minutes - Sun November 8, 2009
The Aliance by pelicanthor
Gold trophy - 20 % in 03:36.729 minutes - Sun November 22, 2009
Zombie Attack by XxXEcho419
Silver trophy - 50 % in 00:22.183 seconds - Wed August 12, 2009
Intra-Species War (Part 4) by XxXEcho419
Silver trophy - 100 % in 06:56.863 minutes - Thu September 3, 2009
huanted house by pelicanthor
Silver trophy - 66.6 % in 02:47.270 minutes - Tue November 10, 2009
Intra-Species War (Part 1) by XxXEcho419
Silver trophy - 12.5 % in 00:43.004 seconds - Tue August 25, 2009
Epic War by mr31590
Silver trophy - 26.6 % in 00:45.901 seconds - Wed July 15, 2009
Intra-Species War (Part 3) by XxXEcho419
Silver trophy - 0 % in 04:52.649 minutes - Sun August 30, 2009
Jurassic Park by XxXEcho419
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:57.704 minutes - Thu August 6, 2009
Zombie Attack by XxXEcho419
Bronze trophy - 49.1 % in 00:20.983 seconds - Wed August 12, 2009
Intra-Species War (Part 2) by XxXEcho419
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 04:33.578 minutes - Sun August 30, 2009
The art of war version2 by Veoline
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:08.160 minutes - Fri January 15, 2010
Intra-Species War (Part 1) by XxXEcho419
Bronze trophy - 12.5 % in 00:45.269 seconds - Tue August 25, 2009
Mario kart-16bit (fixed) by pelicanthor
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:39.374 seconds - Sat October 31, 2009
Epic War by mr31590
Bronze trophy - 10 % in 00:17.885 seconds - Wed July 15, 2009