3 Gold Trophy Cups -
2 Silver -
1 Bronze
Halo 1 CTF by nmarsellas
Gold trophy - 33.3 % in 04:16.619 minutes - Mon August 23, 2010
Battle arena by X5tremeLuigi
Gold trophy - 59.3 % in 01:29.867 minutes - Mon August 23, 2010
Detour by BullDozer48\
Gold trophy - 100 % in 03:05.265 minutes - Mon August 23, 2010
the big war by liam2585
Silver trophy - 33.3 % in 02:33.396 minutes - Tue August 24, 2010
The Fellowship of the ring by Sheik95
Silver trophy - 70.8 % in 08:03.703 minutes - Mon August 23, 2010
tablero de ajedrez by surtensoita
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:07.131 seconds - Mon August 23, 2010