groxguy98's TROPHY CASE

3 Gold Trophy Cups -
1 Silver -
1 Bronze
Clark and Stanley get a Toy by dyltra
Gold trophy - 33.3 % in 00:04.549 seconds - Wed March 17, 2010
Prehistoric Alien Planet 2 by Unknown111
Gold trophy - 0 % in 00:13.900 seconds - Sun March 14, 2010
Clark and the pretty red button by Helihead08
Gold trophy - 55.5 % in 00:05.261 seconds - Wed March 17, 2010
Space bar by pacman1029
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:09.059 minutes - Wed March 17, 2010
Clark and the pretty red button by Helihead08
Bronze trophy - 55.5 % in 00:36.938 seconds - Wed March 17, 2010