chloeseyna's TROPHY CASE

6 Gold Trophy Cups -
2 Silver -
2 Bronze
School mop by lydiadragon
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:17.200 seconds - Tue January 25, 2011
The Pink Cat Adventures 2 by crescent123
Gold trophy - 25 % in 00:39.585 seconds - Tue January 4, 2011
Avatar-A saga by CapHaiete
Gold trophy - 100 % in 11:58.607 minutes - Wed May 5, 2010
Idiot on the loose by BRRSP
Gold trophy - 33.3 % in 00:11.063 seconds - Wed October 7, 2009
super Star slide by raq29
Gold trophy - 0 % in 00:25.000 seconds - Mon November 2, 2009
La ISLA!!! by andreu1234
Gold trophy - 64.2 % in 01:48.100 minutes - Fri August 21, 2009
Animarvel Ultimate Alliance HQ 3 by BRRSP
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:58.896 seconds - Tue May 4, 2010
Don't Fall Down! by Onslour
Silver trophy - 25 % in 00:41.217 seconds - Mon November 2, 2009
Randomes-Wilkeurigheid by lydiadragon
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:35.521 seconds - Tue January 4, 2011
Protect Olympus by StinkyEddy
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:22.900 minutes - Fri April 22, 2011