Pseudolonewolf's TROPHY CASE

7 Gold Trophy Cups -
5 Silver -
9 Bronze
Tebarian Quest by Zelof
Gold trophy - 25 % in 02:46.371 minutes - Tue July 7, 2009
Object of Desire Episode 2 by kkelly87
Gold trophy - 100 % in 17:03.900 minutes - Sat July 11, 2009
Volcanic Ritual by DragonVampire
Gold trophy - 100 % in 03:10.105 minutes - Tue July 7, 2009
The Object of Desire Episode 5 by kkelly87
Gold trophy - 100 % in 11:12.591 minutes - Sat July 11, 2009
wopi by Grimly98
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:48.480 minutes - Sun July 5, 2009
Object of Desire Episode 1 by kkelly87
Gold trophy - 100 % in 06:05.012 minutes - Sat July 11, 2009
The Object of Desire Episode 4 by kkelly87
Gold trophy - 100 % in 12:36.945 minutes - Sat July 11, 2009
Tropic Blunder by WireMan7620
Silver trophy - 56.2 % in 09:36.234 minutes - Sun July 5, 2009
Farm Help Or Tribe by MrPoot
Silver trophy - 100 % in 04:00.268 minutes - Thu July 9, 2009
The Unnamed by ProteanBlue
Silver trophy - 100 % in 12:00.928 minutes - Fri August 28, 2009
Moon Base Z by Sitb666
Silver trophy - 100 % in 05:21.710 minutes - Fri August 28, 2009
From the Freezer by Ned_Ballad
Silver trophy - 100 % in 04:40.828 minutes - Wed July 8, 2009
The Demon World by Sanguis42
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 01:06.187 minutes - Thu July 9, 2009
Snow world 3 by Paratrooper824
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:49.252 seconds - Mon July 6, 2009
Mad Grox by THE_Builders
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 12:38.588 minutes - Sun July 5, 2009
All Spooked by Mastercode
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 07:42.048 minutes - Tue July 7, 2009
Super Fun Maze by ZebulonAntilles
Bronze trophy - 45.8 % in 01:21.622 minutes - Tue July 7, 2009
Assault on the Kronisian Port by Sanguis42
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:53.356 minutes - Sat July 11, 2009
The great hunt (hero version) by Phenexian
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 05:26.166 minutes - Sun July 5, 2009
The Gangas Saga (Part 4) by Sitb666
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 04:13.392 minutes - Thu July 9, 2009
The Gods Have Six Legs by Prometheus09
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 01:50.599 minutes - Mon August 24, 2009