PeaceMaker12's TROPHY CASE

7 Gold Trophy Cups -
4 Silver -
1 Bronze
Secret base by god232
Gold trophy - 100 % in 04:37.165 minutes - Thu June 3, 2010
last day on dreed by groxkiller76
Gold trophy - 100 % in 02:35.700 minutes - Sun May 9, 2010
Spaceport Reports by dracoloch193
Gold trophy - 20 % in 00:39.000 seconds - Wed May 12, 2010
Spore olmpics (puzzle) by apd39842
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:20.572 seconds - Tue June 8, 2010
looking for lulu's by loxsmith
Gold trophy - 25 % in 00:54.107 seconds - Sat May 29, 2010
war by David12454
Gold trophy - 33.3 % in 01:43.746 minutes - Sun May 9, 2010
Wasteful Management by sbalding
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:47.467 seconds - Mon June 7, 2010
clark and stanley watch tv by groxkiller76
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:32.207 seconds - Fri June 4, 2010
Defend the Crystal Mine by mggt1409
Silver trophy - 42.2 % in 03:39.813 minutes - Sun May 9, 2010
Battle for Aquil by corsair347
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:35.417 minutes - Sun May 9, 2010
you and stanley do nothing by groxkiller76
Silver trophy - 66.6 % in 00:11.104 seconds - Fri June 4, 2010
Clark and Stanley's New Campout by Nuclearchemist
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:13.741 seconds - Fri June 4, 2010