Lamborghini_3000's TROPHY CASE

2 Gold Trophy Cups -
2 Silver -
1 Bronze
Clash of the Epics by Crash94
Gold trophy - 100 % in 11:08.359 minutes - Fri January 1, 2010
thats it by trijko
Gold trophy - 100 % in 04:01.578 minutes - Tue December 29, 2009
The Big race by WizardOB
Silver trophy - 57.1 % in 00:40.160 seconds - Tue January 5, 2010
Dinojen hyökkäys by MIZUZI
Silver trophy - 100 % in 04:20.368 minutes - Tue December 29, 2009
defense by jamppa97
Bronze trophy - 13.8 % in 01:03.527 minutes - Sat January 2, 2010