2 Gold Trophy Cups -
4 Silver -
1 Bronze
clark and stanley watch dancing by PEBBLEGUY
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:03.036 minutes - Sat August 1, 2009
The End of the Universe by muzza1997
Gold trophy - 100 % in 01:59.514 minutes - Sat August 1, 2009
Easy points by Swanee0601
Silver trophy - 33.3 % in 00:12.652 seconds - Fri July 31, 2009
Clark and Stanley are Done! by muzza1997
Silver trophy - 60 % in 00:52.355 seconds - Sat August 1, 2009
clark and stanley watch dancing by PEBBLEGUY
Silver trophy - 100 % in 01:14.395 minutes - Sat August 1, 2009
Toxic planet by muzza1997
Silver trophy - 50 % in 06:09.114 minutes - Sat August 1, 2009
clark and stanley in canyon jump by muzza1997
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 00:32.547 seconds - Sat August 1, 2009