3 Gold Trophy Cups -
2 Silver -
4 Bronze
Acquire the blueprints by ScuzzFuddly
Gold trophy - 28.5 % in 01:01.111 minutes - Tue January 19, 2010
odd farm by vetsku
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:13.862 seconds - Fri August 13, 2010
Age of Mammals - Messel Shale by gruekiller
Gold trophy - 100 % in 00:03.428 seconds - Sun January 17, 2010
The Budishu Village by Milly98
Silver trophy - 100 % in 02:31.146 minutes - Sat March 20, 2010
Panic at The Camping Area by softnat
Silver trophy - 100 % in 00:29.095 seconds - Wed January 20, 2010
hitta nyckeln by weddert
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:07.072 minutes - Mon March 22, 2010
crash landing by drainpipe6
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 02:20.755 minutes - Tue January 19, 2010
The Budishu Village by Milly98
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 03:05.166 minutes - Sat January 2, 2010
Saving Snow by Nicktopian
Bronze trophy - 100 % in 05:15.065 minutes - Tue March 23, 2010