rotciv_14's 37 BUDDIES:
Hola a todos! soy carasaco
i wish i knew where to download parts packs...
New Spore account name: Skurmes 12/28/2015.
Whats that behind you?
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
I haz a snout! :3
change your tagline
I'm back!
Well, I'm gone. Bye everyone =^w^=
Under new management...sort of!
a bit out of practice
Buscadme en DarkToni_7
"How do you wake up Lady Gaga? P-p-p-poker face!"
Is Maxis featuring again? o.O
más aburrido que nunca.
Nueva cuenta: Profeta
building the finest hunks of junk in the galaxy
I can't connect to spore:(.