resou's 41 BUDDIES:
The spice must flow!
you are welcome to use my stuff in your missions
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
The guy that nobody knows about.
Always fill your complexity meter! ;)
*BANG!* is it dead?
This space intentionally left blank.
Use whatever you want
-RWS- Yes, I am a chick. :)
pentultimate being
New Computer! hope to be back soon.
I haz antenna, but don't you grab it. >_<
has left the building
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
done with spore, feel free to use my creatures
is trying to keep original
Back in Action! How have you all been?
WOOT!I PWN nOObs!!!!!
Living in my own little world; You're invited
No longer active, but thanks for the comments :)
Darkspore is fail
Feature me now! :P
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)