oogie199's 43 BUDDIES:
Cause We Party Rock
Spore, good memories playing! :)
Don't take the Salt Flats Trail
I may start MonsterQuest again...
Why, hello there!
Check The Adventures ;)
Whats that behind you?
Nope! Nobody here any more. :)
dA: RedParagonG
Creeping in and out of Spore.
PLEASE recommend me GUNS I should create next! :-)
boy howdy why is spore still alive
I'M BACK!! What the hell is SporeBot xD
Saver of Humens
All Hail Cheese
If you build it, they will come
I can haz cheeseburger?
Not creating much now
You really qualmed up an inserg!
change your tagline
We need more Girls here, the Guys outnumber us...
Howdy hOWDY howdee!
Account disabled. Sub to LordQwerty