odDballL's 141 BUDDIES:
change your tagline
Working in conjunction with my little brother.
right now: inactive
Bringing creatures to life since 2008
Mean Green Mother From Outer Space
brain is on a break from spore
Can't run Spore. Probably out for good :/
Left handed turn coming up....
quitting spore once i get to 6,969 creations
Have a Coke and a Smile!
Stalking the Sporeverse since Aug 28, 2009
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Art is the medicine for the pain of life.
Still alive :)
Play the game to win or lose.
Reduced time for creating
Now introducing the new SR-01 Bolt!!
Space, the dullest frontier
♥♥♥Danke für Eure Kommentare !!! ;o)♥♥♥
So many planets, so little time
*Approve all comments* g'bye everyone
Siege of Sesame Street...
Please comment or be my buddy
Home of the Lavants!
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
Anyone still out there? >_>
Tired of being a lab rat? Become a mutant!!!
No longer here
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
Flower? I must be crazy.
I am the plague, prepare to die. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sorting out upload problems. Y u du dis Spore!
Spore still doesn't work for me after reinstall :/
Back in Action! How have you all been?
Please, let's have peace on Spore in 2012 and on!
We come in peace - shoot to kill.
Remember when?
Webmiss of SporeNetwork.com
Let the adventure start...
From negative brain space
Do a barrel roll!
I'm a Spacemaaaaaaan!!!
Comment me on my other screenname, MaxTheCrook
Hi. I LIKE PIE.........(pumkine pie)
Thanks everyone!! I'm replying as fast as I can!
To create a better tagline...
Spaced out.
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
good to see some of my old buddies creating!
Uninstall ALL the spores!
change your tagline
Father Of Peekweak and Xspore 2008 Champion